Starter out of fridge almost a week
1200g dough. Seems like a good fit for my equipment. And makes the math easy ;)
Baked in preheated Rompertof
Baked until 210 and "dried" in cracked oven
Rise and oven spring seemed solid, but crumb is pretty closed? And not "gummy", but not dry either. Crust is dry and crisp.
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Nice looking bread. I really think we put way too much emphasis on super open crumb, causing us to discredit a lot of very nice bread.
Open crumb is nice and so is your crumb. But that’s my opinion. Your bread could never be considered a brick. Now that would be a bad thing...
Thanks! My breads are always eaten as a sandwich, so I don't chase a super open crumb. But, I would like a bit more open, not quite so pan bread. Maybe some stretch and folds? OTOH, I really love the set it and forget it ease of this method.
Since your bread had good bloom, a nice ear, and rose high and stood tall, is it possible that your handling of the dough during folding and shaping may have eliminated the larger bubbles?
You are almost certainty correct. This was one of my better efforts, but I'm terrible at removing the dough smoothly from the container and preshaping. I use a scraper and bench knife, and Ive tried water and flour, but I usually end up with a flat, strechted out, torn mess.
That is a very nice effort and loaf of bread there Mermidon especially being a no knead dough and I agree with Dan there is often to much emphasis on open holey interiors regards Derek