Sesame-Semolina Flatbreads


I made these sesame-semolina flatbreads for this month's breadbakingday (theme: flatbreads). They are unleavened, extremely fast and easy. I was able to roll them very thin by using a pasta roller, the first time I used it for anything but pasta, and it worked very well. I will definitely use it again. Recipe here.

Sesame-semolina flatbreads


Those look very good.  I'm glad to hear you talk about using your pasta roller for dough, I've been considering it but am afraid.  Can you say something about the consistency of the dough?  Did it stick at all?  Did you flour it before putting it through every time?  Any tips would be appreciated.  Many thanks.

Rainbowbrown, the dough wasn't sticky or even tacky, it had just enough water to make it supple and workable (about 57% hydration). It did not stick to the rollers, and I didn't add any extra flour during the rolling process. It was very easy, if a little time-consuming. But I like the rolling, it's sort of a hypnotic meditative thing for me.

The only tip I would give is once the dough gets to be very thin, take care not to let it fold over onto itself or it will stick; if that happens, let the dough rest for a few minutes and start the rolling over again.


I've been looking over cracker recipes and found a couple I set aside but your flatbread will be first. One question, which semolina did you use. Fine duram flour semolina or fine or coarse semolina? Thanks.        weavershouse