Hamelman's five grain sourdough w/rye

Profile picture for user BreadLee

I decided to make his loaf on page 254. Left out from the soaker cracked rye and replaced with some pumpkin seeds and quinoa. Anyone baked this particular recipe? 

I misjudged my time and had to attend an all day funeral,  so i tossed the freshly mixed dough into the fridge.  Got back and it had expanded nicely.  It'll be a 24hr fridge rest due to that. I have a hunch it'll just get better

Planning to split it and add jalapeno slices to one loaf (we like jalapeno in everything).  This one will be interesting. 

I'll post a baked shot later.  

Hi and welcome.  Do a search and you will find a very lengthy Community Bake thread from January on almost this very bread.

Happy baking.


Profile picture for user BreadLee

It's really good.  


Yours looks awesome! I looked over your recipe.  Very detailed and looks great! 

There were some serious mods to mine due to some mishaps.  Lol. 

-  bulk fermented in fridge 24 hrs.

- used maple syrup instead of honey. 

- forgot I was out of rye flour after feeding my rye starter the night before.  So I substituted with KA whole wheat.  

- added pumpkin seeds and quinoa

It turned out fantastic.  Family and friends loved that loaf.  Definitely a winner.  

Thanks so much for posting!