Just out of interest, I was checking a post from almost 10 years ago, and I saw that a comment that I had noted at the time was no longer present in the thread. There's no sign of the commenter either, whose name I had noted too.
So, just wondering what happens when someone is no longer present on The Fresh Loaf. Does all trace of them vanish?
Floyd knows.
I would guess that somewhere between updates, software changes,changes to the forum to go along with changing laws, antihacking/repairing from hacking over the years may have all had some affect on the threads. This forum has been around a long time now.
Jeremy, a while back I think Floyd purged some older records for people that are no longer active. Storage space is not free. Unfortunately we lost some valuable data.
Hi Dan, after I read your comment it occurred to me to wonder if you know about the Wayback Machine. With a rough idea of date, and a few data points/keywords/names, you might be able to recover the info from lost posts and make it available again as new posts
Floyd has restored particular data in the past. I assume he queries the database. If you are looking for something in particular, he may be able to help. You’d have to get with him.
I didn't think to try The Internet Archive, and may now do so. I was just curious, is all. Thanks. As for the costs of storage, I for one would be prepared to pay at least a little, because I value the forum and all the work that goes into it.