That touch of rye


I've been enamored of Kamut and recently I've been making a bread w 25% Kamut ( sometimes with just whole grain, sometimes with 1/2 Whole grain and 1/2 White Kamut).  I've liked the crisp crust and the lovely rise. The flavor hasn't been quite as full as I like even when I was using just whole grain. Recently I added just 5% rye and it hit the sweet spot for me.  Nice oven spring, crisp crust and a lot of flavor.  I find that Kamut really needs a lot of time to rise properly and often I need to adjust around it's quirks.   But totally worth it.


Such a lovely looking bread. You know I love kamut as well. It’s true, kamut takes a long while to rise. But so delicious. 


Every time I use it, I have to plan flexibility around it... like sometimes it will rise 30% overnight in the fridge, sometimes, just 10% and then I have to give it more time at RT.  Very finicky.  Totally worth it.
