Apologies if this isn't the correct place to post. I have tried two times to make the NY Times Sonoran flour tortilla recipe and each time they came out extremely crisp and hard - to the point where they crack when rolled.
Few things to note if helpful
-I did order Sonoran flour.
-I didn't use melted lard/shortening, I just crumbled it in the flour.
Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
If you want a cracker, you mix flour and water and it bakes crisp.
If you want a pie crust, you mix crumbles of fat and flour so some is coated and some chunks of fat melt during baking to create flaky layers.
If you want cookies, you coat all the flour particles with fat so they don't paste out with any liquid it encounters.
If you want cake, you mix the fat and eggs and sugar into microfluff (small holes that expand into bubbles),add flour as the bulky paste and leaven to create chemical bubbles that will expand and make cake.
If you didn't melt the fat, you probably created more of a cracker/pie crust. Try melting the fat next time and see f it makes a difference.
Also, Sonora flour is very low/weak gluten. It may need all the help it can get to become cohesive. Is there kneading involved? I can't see the recipe you linked without signing up for NYT.
Thanks so much - I will try that. Yep - there is kneading involved.