Ankarsrum Attachments

Profile picture for user wanitten

Hello Ankarsrum Owners .......I know this is a bread forum, but I thought I'd ask about this here since there are some fellow Ankarsrum owners around.

The attachments are really pricey so now and then I look for used ones, yet can never find any for sale (Craigslist, eBay, etc.)I know that Ankarsrum mixers last for a long time (and I love mine), but are there really no used attachments out there for sale?  Anyone know where I can get them for less than retail?  I'd especially like the pasta attachments.



... you can be certain that someone somewhere has a used Toyota or Ford for sale. Quite a number of them, in fact. They're everywhere, and there are many reasons why someone might decide to sell a good one.


Ankarsrum mixers - not so much. There's only one model really, they're not that common, and they tend to be bought for bread making - they may perform the other functions very well, but they aren't a "classic choice" among those looking for a food processor. Of those who do buy one, most are not rushing to sell - even if for some of those the reason is that they're too embarrassed to say they don't like it or never use it.

, there are far more examples (in my experience) of "machine for sale, sorry no attachments" than there are of "full set of attachments for sale, machine missing".


I'm guessing this is just because the large, heavy, bright-coloured (and expensive-looking) item is usually the one that doesn't get lost, damaged, or accidentally thrown away.