The Twice Three Strand Bread Braid


Making two side-by-side three strand braids with only five strands sounds impossible, but it works out fine. Bear with me.

From the book: "The Art of Braiding Bread"


This is part of a series that show simple braids I have developed to encourage novice braiders who have not yet got past the basic three strand plait, to bake.

Ibor, please provide more details. A complete method, including the proper dough elasticity and extensibility would be helpful. I have no idea how you did the double braid.

Thanks for posting...


Update, I failed to notice and follow your link in your original post. I see that you a book has been published on the subject.

Thank you Abe. The dough for braiding must be of low-hydration or else the plait will disappear once the loaf is baked. In my book I recommend and give the formula for Hamelman's Challah dough.

Profile picture for user Rustic Rye

That's pretty incredible! Well done

Hello Rustic Rye.

Thank you for your encouragement. I have added an explanation to the original post.

best regards