Hello from the Pacific Northwest!


Hello everyone, 

So excited about finding this site! I just started my sourdough journey and baked my fourth loaf just today :)

Lots of questions already, so I am looking forward to learning from you all! 

I found a site that includes baking a sourdough loaf in an enamel pot, which has been working out for me so far, but apparently there are more ways to bake :) Anyone use a dutch oven/ combo cooker? Baking stone? What do you like/dislike? 

Thanks so much!



I have baked sourdough breads using all the methods you mentioned. I mostly bake in Lodge Combo Cookers or on a baking stone. The baking stone method requires you have a way to steam your oven. It also allows more flexibility in loaf shape and size than a Dutch oven. But both methods can make outstanding breads.

As a beginner, I would strongly encourage you to just browse this site, reading lots of bakers blogs to get ideas. To develop your own skills though, pick a reliable recipe for a type of sourdough bread you like and make it over and over until you understand it and have the dough assessment and dough handling skills you need. Don't try too many breads until you have solid skills in making one or a few. 

Ask lots of questions. People here have all been beginners once upon a time, and we like to encourage new bakers as we were encouraged when we were noobies.

I would call your attention to the TFL search box. If you have specific questions, try searching the site for discussion of your issue of the moment.

And Happy baking!
