My name is Tommi and I've been a lurker on this site for quite some time and I thought that it might be about time that I quit being sneaky and join in. This site is like candy for me, it's just awsome to be among a bunch of other people who are as into bread as I am AND are nice about it; I don't get that sort of combination anywhere in person. I live in Northern California. I make bread every week, but unfortunately only I eat it since my partner doesn't really like anything but store bought white sliced white bread for his peanut butter and jellies and my friends aren't really into taking my leftovers, but I try my damnedest to eat it all as quick as I can so I can get to my next loaf. Anyhoo, I have a wonderful little sourdough starter that I keep in the refrigerator and I like using commercial yeast as well. I'd like to think that I'll contribute to this site as much as I take from it. One of the neatest things for me about this site is the forum dedicated to photos...oh they're so fun to look at, bread porn is what its been called. Well, I think I've rambled on enough for my first thanks for the all of this everyone. Have a happy day.
Hello Tommi
I'm Fran and like you have pretty much been lurking around checking this site out since Christmas. I got a copy of Local Breads for Christmas and have really been trying to prefect my ciabatta recipe. I bake 8 to 12 loaves weekly of a dark rye for a small local restuarant here (Mississippi). I also bake all the bread we eat. I have started a firm sourdough starter from Local Breads and have been experimenting with different sourdough recipes. Fortunately, my husband will eat most anything I turn out. I love baking on a stone. This site is really such a big help. One of these days I am going to send some photos. I, too, enjoy seeing other's pictures.
Now I am jealous! I would love to run into a local bakery and check out their wares. Nothing like that around here. Mammies makes Ruebens with my bread. It is just a straight dough made with yeast. They also serve a sweet sourdough bread for their other sandwiches. I think it is some sort of Amish recipe. The owner herself makes that bread. You people are spoiled with all those little bakeries. I kinda keep it under my hat that I bake. For awhile I was getting too many requests for bread. As you know, it can tie you up all day.
I have seen some comments on the accuracy of some of the recipes in Local Breads. I have not run into anything yet. I love the recipe for Rosettes. It is handy because it has a lot of retarding time. The last time I made them, I retarded in the trunk of my car! It was about 45 degrees outside, and my refrigerator was crowded. Worked fine. Happy baking!