Greeting fellow bakers. I have not been here for a few months and am poorer for it. My baking was in a rut, so I came here for some inspiration and it paid off in spades.
My first bake out of the rut was NY Style Deli rye from P. Reinhart's, "Bread Baker's Apprentice." This is one excellent sandwich bread and keeps well on the counter.
I have been baking pulla religiously every couple of weeks and thought, why not use the pulla dough for babka?
I rolled the dough out, brushed with melted butter being careful to leave about a 3/4" border of plain dough. I then spead on a chocolate filling and sprinkled with chopped hazelnuts, (filberts). Next, I rolled the dough into a tube and sealed the seam and rested in the fridge for a half hour or so. The theory is that makes the dough easier to work.
I then cut the sough in half lengthwise and formed a crude braid, cut side up and placed it into the loaf pan to proof. Baked at 350F with steam for 20 minutes and a further 35 minutes to finish. Delicious!
- Skibum's Blog
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It looks sooo good! I am a total chocoholic and that would be something that wouldn’t last 5 minute in my house. And no I am not making it because I need to drop some Xmas pounds! ?
Ah the Christmas pounds. I have a few to lose as well. Happy baking! Ski
from Skiing Whistler for a almost a week and I was thinking about you and there you are with Chocolate Babka! That would be great with some Swiss Miss on the slopes I'm thinking . Nice to see you back Ski and Happy baking
Nice to be back. I got out of the habit of coming here and my baking went into a rut. After browsing the site and being amazed at all of the varieties of bread being made. I was inspired to bake some things I haven't baked since my move. Not sure you can call me a skibum anymore, as I have only one day in this season . . . I even declined to go this afternoon and the sun is out -- finally. So far NY deli rye, babka and Floyd's cream cheese fruit braid. I am trying to get the courage up to do a laminated dough. Anyhow, I am once again inspired to bake and eat nice things. Maybe I will ski tomorrow. I have never made bagels, perhaps this is the day!
Happy baking! Ski
PS give Lucy a nice rub behind her ear for me.
We certainly missed your posts and comments. This bake looks great and must taste even better. Anything with chocolate in it can't possibly be bad ?.
Happy Baking!
It is nice to be back. It feels a little like coming home again. I was for sure poorer in my life for not coming to thefreshloaf for baking inspiration! I have looked at your latest post and as usual; it is full of ingredients I can never get my hands on in this small mountain town . . . Anyhow, I have exited the rut my life and baking life was in and now look forward to baking many new recipes. The Fresh Loaf is a great community and I am glad to be back! Happy baking! Ski!