Came across this bread on Instagram posted by "fullproofbaking" - Milk & butter oat porridge sourdough. I have attempted to follow her recipe, scaling it to make two loaves. I tried to keep bakers percent as close as possible. This was baked on 31st December 2018.
29/12/18: Refresh starter and convert offshoot to 100% hydration
8 am build levain – I needed 129 g 100% hydration
8:15 am Toasted 76 g chopped whole rolled oats (Kirsten used quick oats) with 21 g butter, adding 165 g whole milk and gently cooking. Removed from heat and added 63.5 g ice. This cooled it and thinned the consistency to a manageable level as porridge was very thick. (Next time I will just add water if preparing in advance). Set aside until needed.
13:15 pm Autolyse for 2 hours (A little shorter than Kirsten’s as I am wary of long autolyse with the flours here)
Bread flour 559 g (78%)
AP flour 90 g (12.5%)
54 g rye flour home milled (7.5%)
gluten flour 14 g (2%)
583 g water (81.4%)
15:15 pm Mix final dough – added 129 g levain then did 100 SLAFs before adding 14g (2%) salt and then 158 g cooled porridge. (I froze the remaining porridge and used it in the next bake) and did another 100 SLAFs to incorporate. Dough was very soft.
16:15 pm one set of stretch and folds
17:00 pm As per instruction – gently stretched and laminated dough.
17:45 pm One set of stretch and folds
18:30 pm One final set of stretch and folds.
I divided the dough at this point then left until it was about 50 – 75% increased in volume. This was about 1.5 hours. The dough was shaped and brushed with egg wash. One loaf was rolled in rolled oats then placed in banneton. The other loaf was rolled in oat bran. Both were left at room temperature for 30 minutes before retarding overnight. Baked in the morning in DO at 240 deg C for 15 minutes lid on and 15 minutes lid off with convection.
Crumb shot.
We loved this bread. Crust is soft and flavour is delicate but very very nice. Crumb is nice but dough spread more than I wanted.
10/01/19 Attempt no. 2.
The plan was to reduce hydration, try and build more strength, no lamination. This time I made only one loaf, same formula and method except about I used all bread flour, did about 30 more SLAPs and no lamination. I forgot to engage my brain and forgot to do the egg wash and oat topping! DARN!!
Once again it has spread and then I realised I had NOT reduced hydration at all.
Crumb shot.
Well I will have to try again and I have already edited formula to give a lower hydration – as this is well over 84% hydration (if I calculated correctly) if you include the porridge liquid.
A bit despondent, can’t seem to get enough strength in this dough. A 1:2:3 made with yeast water and sourdough with 20% rye went much better so maybe it isn’t my technique… will keep trying
Happy baking all
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ha, ha....as I also just finished baking a porridge SD loaf today! How funny and yours looks so lovely and airy! My porridge was probably left too thickly and should have been wetter and therefore was a nightmare to spread thinly and evenly during lamination. Isn't it amazing that you get this type of crumb with the porridge!!!! And I bet it tastes amazingly too!!! Kat
The laminating is a challenge and I think the porridge needs to be a soft consistency, not too firm or thick. I struggle a bit with it for sure. I left it out (laminations that is) in the second bake. will see how next one goes. The crumb on this was lovely but Kirsten (fullproofbaking) achieved a much more open crumb along with better height. I need to get more strength in the dough ?
bake happy Kat, good luck with this years baking
I can never get my loaves to look as good as Kristen's, so don't be downhearted. I really don't know how she gets such consistently great looking loaves - practice, I guess!
Also, I do think there is a tendency for porridge loaf recipes to be overhydrated; I've come to think it's best to treat the oats like a weight of flour and just apply the same hydration rate to them as the rest of the flour in the grist.
yes she does get an awesome crumb, I will strive to get closer but may never make, my flours are very different. it will be fun trying. good to see your comments
I notice Trevor J Wilson gets very good height with his bread too... ah well good we can eat our efforts. I must admit some of my YW/SD bakes are at the level I want all my bread to get to, so maybe with more practice I will get there.
Happy baking Lance,
You're off to a beautiful, blooming start. That is an amazing series of bakes. You must be so proud!
As Kat says, there must be something in the air; I just pulled a couple of loaves out of the oven and they're coated with mixed rolled grains. I didn't make a porridge, but scalded some of those same flakes to put in the dough. Of course, they're nowhere near as lovely as yours.
I must take another stab at laminating. The two times I tried it, things didn't go too well. Do you flour or spritz your bench beforehand? I was getting very stuck ?.
Great, great loaves.
I hope all is well with hubby. Keep on baking!
I think I dampened or very lightly spritzed the bench first but still needed the dough knife. I think you need to have good gluten development first otherwise it just tears ☹️ so still work to do here.
Funny, I wasn’t happy with these, on first sight but yes the crumb is nice. and it tastes good so...
but there have been some bakes with quite flat loaves too. not sure why suddenly either. maybe my stars are not aligned properly, lol
Thank you for your kind words, bake happy Carole
What a crumb. Lovely bake indeed! I do love oats in a good ol' sourdough.
Such a lovely silky crumb. Gotta taste amazing.
till I get it right. its a keeper anyway... I do like having different flours etc in my bread, and as the crust is not hard it is a winner around here!
thanks Abe