Sourdough repeat first bake of the year

Profile picture for user pul

After some time without baking I am back with a repeat formula based on a mix of bread flour, whole wheat and durum. Roughly 180g bread flour, 80 g whole wheat and 40 g durum. The levain contained 15% of the total flour and the total hydration was 75%. The room temperature was about 16C. I built the levain the night before and processed the dough during the day. Below is the crumb shot.

Wish you happy baking in the new year.



Thanks Leslie, hope to see more of your experiments and writing this year. They are quite informative!


you surprised me, but it is good to know.  I am thinking a lot about my starter so at some point I may do something.  Depends on how things go. I hope to be able to bake a bit more again, just love bread! 


Profile picture for user Filomatic

Everything about that bread is making my mouth water.  Great, bold bake!