Sourdough Pains au Chocolat — Happy New Year 2019!!!

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

As I am on a long holiday vacation now and school starts again just after the New Year, I decided to use this opportunity to make some viennoiseries before the year ends.

I made some sourdough pains au chocolat in my new oven to celebrate 2018 and the New Year. We are just minutes away from 2019 here! I have received so many blessings this year: from passing the board exam, becoming a licensed professional teacher, having a highly rewarding profession in many aspects, to having a new oven; I have so much to thank for and words are not enough to thank the Lord!

My posts are always wordy but I am going to keep this one short and sweet and just let the photos do the talking. :)

I will not roll them as thin during the final roll-out next time so the honeycomb structure will be bigger and more defined.

Doesn't look that far from my clay pot version. Right? :) I just did not put as much chocolate this time.

Clay Pot Pain au Chocolat May 2016

Oven Pain au Chocolat December 2018

I wish all of us a more blessed happier and healthier 2019!

Happy New Year!!!

How lovely these are, just like the man who baked them.  Congrats to you and your spirit.


Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Pains au chocolat are one of my favourite pastries! Yours look delicious! Bonne année à vous et votre famille. ??

Ce sont vraiment delicieux ! Bonne année à vous aussi !


How would you actually translate "Sourdough Pain au Chocolat" in French?

I thought it would be pain au levain au chocolat, it could be something completely different like a rustic sourdough with some chocolate baked in. :) It's always nice to ask native speakers.

Profile picture for user Yippee

The pictures of your no-oven bake have reminded me how amazing you were! Now that you have an oven, I'm sure you will continue to impress us with your creativity and skills! The pain au chocolat look fantastic! Keep up the excellent work, Pal!

Happy New Year to you and 世伯,伯母!


because I prefer chewier bread and you know, they are a bit calorific... I might change my mind if there's molten chocolate layered in them though :)

I think your oven-version croissants look quite different from your clay pot version's: the former are puffier and probably better! I can see so much potential in you, both in your bakes and career. 

Keep up with the nice posts in the new year!

Chocolate arguably makes everything better! The clay pot version in addition to being flipped halfway through the bake were overproofed and made with instant yeast. I think they improved both in appearance and flavor too. 

Profile picture for user WatertownNewbie

Pal,  your excitement and enthusiasm are clearly evident.  These pastries look delicious.  You must post the recipe for the ones you made to start this year.  And what a fine way to welcome in a new year.  Happy New Year and Happy Baking!

Unfortunately, I did not measure the ingredients for those. I did all of it by feel like I always did. Happy New Year!

Love the blisters.  These came out so nice I would eat them all before you know it,  They remind me of the chocolate rugelach that Lucy makes only much linger and twice as good as a result!  You will really enjoy that new oven! bit we will miss the clay pot open fire baking of old.....

Have a great 2019 that is even better than 2018 Job:-)

Nice pastries with cool layers. What about the blisters, did you steam the oven during baking?

So happy for you!  Sounds like 2019 is going to be a great year already for you.  These look fabulous but more importantly how exciting for you to be starting your career and to have a new oven to boot ?

Happy New Year!