The temperature for bread baking seems to vary greatly.
Some recipes recall for 230º C others 250º, some for 225º C some 220ºC, some recall for two different temperatures. A higher one on the first 10min and later lower temperature for the rest of the bake.
while this dosen't seem to be a big deal in a home production environment, when you start baking on a professional oven you realise that lowering the baking temperature can be a hard and wastfull thing to do. When real hot a professional oven gains such thermal inertia that takes very long to decrease the temperature (sometimes not decreasind at all) unless proper measures are taken like openning the oven doors and vents to ensure the temperature lowers...and that will show up on your electricity bill in the end of the month as an energy waste (considering that you ll have to put temperature up again for the beginning of the next bake)
This takes me to this question:
Considering that lowering the temperature is so hard and high temperature baking temperatures would represent a higher electricity cost, what would be the minimum baking temperature for optimum results when baking bread. ensuring that bread has proper oven spring, and fully bakes before burning??
I have done a few experiments, and notice no relevant difference between baking the same loaf at 250ºC and baking at 235ºC when it comes to oven spring. Wonder if 225ºC - 230ºC would be enough?? if yes, absolutelly no point on putting it to the 240ºC - 250ºC, also cause it tends to burn some types of bread before proper crust thickness is atchieved. I usually bake 1,5 Pounds loafs.
I would Like to know your experiences, and opinions about this topic, and what temperatures you use for baking.
- Adriano's Blog
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