First rye bread did better than my first whole wheat bread



The recipe was in Rose B's Bread Bible. Levy's Jewish Rye Bread, except I didn't have any Caraway seeds or malt powder (I used honey).  I also didn't have a La Cloche Bread Baker so I used an enameled Dutch oven. I preheated the Dutch oven with the lid.

The picture above shows my first mistake. Rose said to turn a container upside down over the dough while it rises. My plastic 4 qt tub was not wide enough. The top of the dough tore as it rose. The dough started pushing the tub up, and the dough was trying to go under the tub.

I had the dough on parchment paper so I could get it into the hot Dutch oven. That part worked well. I waited until the bread had baked for 20 minutes before I used my Chef Alarm. When it reached 205°F the alarm went off, and I removed it from the oven.

When trying to lift the bread out with the parchment paper, the paper disintegrated. I had to use 2 forks to get the bread out. I found out the bottom was burned.

Rose said to put the bread cloche on a pizza stone, so I put my Dutch oven on a pizza stone. That may have been my next mistake. I think my Dutch oven burned the bottom of the bread because of the pizza stone underneath it. I never use a stone underneath that pot. 

After scraping off the burned part, it was okay.  Not very pretty, but not too bad.



Boy, did it go stale quickly! But, my husband likes it that way.