My annual appeal - give thanks for TFL - 2021

Profile picture for user alfanso

Here we go again...

This is the time of year that we USA based North Americans have just celebrated our Thanksgiving as we usher in the beginning of the Christmas holidays.  

I get a lot of pleasure out of my participation and reviewing of others' activity on TFL.  Probably more so than any other non-news or encyclopedic website.  And I rely on TFL for my enjoyment, diversion and personal satisfaction in learning and sharing what I've learned.  And it has enhanced my retirement hobby greatly.

I have no personal association with our host Floyd beyond a thanks to him for creating and maintaining this website.  But as long as I have the floor, I'm asking those of you who wish to thank Floyd in a different way than just kind words, to think about donating to TFL.  It may just benefit all of us in the long run. is where I make my annual donation.  Consider doing something similar if you feel like you get a real value out of TFL's existence.  If Floyd has an alternative method of contributing for you to consider, other than PayPal, I hope that he replies with that information.

I've asked Floyd more than once in the past if it was okay to post these messages, and he said yes.  So until I learn better I'm continuing an end-run and not asking first.



But I cancelled my Paypal account. I visit daily but never have managed to post photos!


Profile picture for user Filomatic

Thanks for posting, Alan.

Thank you, Alfanso, plevee, davey1025, and Filomatic. You are very kind.

Alan, thanks for going to the trouble of making this opportunity available again.  I donated last year and was thinking that it was about time to do so this year.  I could not recall who started the effort, and then your post appeared like magic.

Thanks in advance, Floyd, for all that you do to keep this site here for us, weed out the intruders and others who seek to distract from its purpose, and otherwise make the site a valuable and rewarding place to visit and interact.

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Thanks for the reminder! I get so much out of this site that it is well worth it!

... a) Alan for the gentle reminder and provider of the means for us to say a tangible "thank you" to b) Floyd for the generosity of spirit in hosting a perpetual "open house" for the exchange of news and views for AB&ABEs!


WOW! I was probably busy with the remodel. I never saw your post.

Alan, it is awfully nice of you to remind us of this. Any donation can only be considered a token of our appreciation. If we paid Floyd for the full value of this site, many of us would have to take out a loan :D

Floyd, we can't thank you enough. Your site has expanded my bread baking knowledge exponentially. AND, the greatest benefit for me is the many friends I have made the world over. That's saying something for a guy that never flew on a plane in all of his 66 years on the planet.

Danny Ayo