100% whole wheat Elly's Extended cold autolyse

Profile picture for user jo_en

Hi All 100% whole wheat bakers,

You must watch the Youtube,

Elly's Easy and Delicious 100% WW SD(Extended cold autolyse method)




The only change I made was to sift the whole wheat, and regrind the bran.  I then mixed it back into the flour and followed her directions.  I often soak the sifted bran separately for 6 hrs. before making up the main dough, but you can skip that step with Elly's method.

The loaf I baked was magnitudes better than any I have done!! I used a cast iron pot and only preheated the oven for 35-40 min instead of an hour.

That was great to get the energy savings too.


I just came upon that video last night and made a note to myself to give it a go -- she makes it look so simple!

Did you grind your own or did you use packaged flour? I've got organic stone-.ground extta-strong

Thanks for sharing. Have you got pics?



I grind my own grain in a Komo.

I use hard red or hard white wheat berries (Giusto(?) red organic; $1.10/lb in Concord CA; 50# bag):

-double grind  the flour  (I think Komo does not grind as fine as Mockmill)

-also have skipped the sifting step.

The flour is strong enough;  extra strong flour can restrain a good oven spring.

 Most of the time there are additions (chocolate chip/cranberries or dehydrated onion /black sesame/cheese).

I put pictures at (bottom half of the page) :



This method has solved major problems on 100% whole wheat sd for me.

Using a proofer and keeping the dough at 76F once the S/F started also improved bread.  Bake when there is still a bit of resistance in the dough.

Please write about your results!

to the photos, your bread turned out very nicely indeed.

I did make one attempt at Elly's recipe back in October, but got hung up and had to cold retard part of the bulk fermentation, which may have thrown things off. Looking over my notes, it was generally not a great day, which I'm sure had something to do with it.

Also, my shaping skills were definitely sub-par at the time. I may take another shot at this, now that you've indicated when to add in goodies. My notes indicate good crumb, can't remember if it kept well (maybe it didn't last long enough to be a concern!) :-D

Thanks again for sharing and keep on baking!


PS Why did you feel the need to add the instant yeast?

Profile picture for user jo_en

Usually I have rye starter / rye sour going for whole wheat pita (2-3 times a week) but  if I am within a few hours for adding starter to bread then I’ll add 1/4-1 t saf depending on how mature the 130 Gr of it is. Once I was rushed to bake the bread before leaving for an evening appt and just got it baked within minutes of leaving.