Any other Parisians out there?


A friend sent me a link to this event: a community banquet, where bread is the star. All are invited to come and taste/discover local bakers' goods, mill their own heritage flour and/or bring their dough and bake it in a wood-fired oven that'll be especially installed on the place for the occasion. Sounds like it could be fun. Pray for sunshine!


It doesn't start till 2pm on Saturday :-D

Now that I've finally gotten my other half to agree to come, I can't decide if I should indeed bring along a proofed loaf and have it cooked in a WFO, do you think it makes a difference in taste? I'm having a hard time imagining myself on the bus with an unbaked loaf in its lined basked, my seeds and whatever other paraphenalia I take for granted. Maybe I'll give 'em a call to see how this will work. (I can just imagine my loaf overproving in my bag while awaiting my turn :-P)

But I am hoping to find suppliers for flours and other things, like malts, that are just not readily available here, if at all. Should be a hoot.