Food safe question | milling buckwheat flour


* Is it safe to grind flour from buckwheat seed intended for planting as a cover crop?


* Do kernels need special treatment before milling?


* If it's not safe to use agricultural buckwheat seed, where is the best place to purchase milling buckwheat (I am on west coast of Canada)?


Many thanks


I don't know about buckwheat per se.  Normally, seed companies will say if the seed has been treated with chemicals.  Organic should be OK.  My grocery store has a choice of toasted or non-toasted buckwheat, or kasha.

Generally speaking, seeds intended for sowing may contain a certain small amount of "foreign matter", like seeds or particles of other plant species -- which you may not want in your food -- or even small stones -- which you definitely do not want in your mill!

Seeds intended for consumption usually have to meet higher standards in that respect.