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Hi all,

Not sure if this belongs here but I recently milled some Einkorn wheat and used it to make sourdough.  It came out great!

einkorn bread

Here's the list to the whole post about the Einkorn Bread but this is the gist of it:

  • Got whole einkorn wheat berries
  • Milled them in my old coffee grinder
  • sifted some of the bran out
  • mixed it with regular AP flour and used it in my loaf

There's more detail in the post above, I ended up using just about 15% einkorn.  Will use more next time for sure, I liked the flavor but was surprised by the (lack?) lesser amount of gluten development due to the einkron.

Here's what the wheat looks like:

And this is what it looked like after I milled and sifted it:

We enjoyed this bread a lot, I'd recommend it!

looking loaf. Loaves with Einkorn blends generally do very well. If you would like a real challenge try a 100% Einkorn loaf, that is truly an interesting and fun experience. We have plenty of posts on 100% Einkorn here (with of course is the only way to get all the health and flavor benefits of Einkorn :) ).