Cast Iron French Roll Pan



Does anyone have an experience using cast iron French roll pans from yesteryear?

Do I proof in the pan and bake from cold into a very hot oven?

Any insight welcome.

I love baking and cooking with iron pans. Great crisp crust- especially on corn bread.  That is a beauty! You can proof  and bake with no problems-room temp or refrigerator temp (with a short counter rest). I wouldn't go from freezer to hot oven.

Where did you get that lovely pan?

Thank you.  

I have not acquired one yet, though there are plenty on Ebay.

My concern was whether I would be able to get a crust if I proofed in the pan in the fridge overnight (sourdough) and baked from cold.  

I will give it a shot.

I don’t think your supposed to put a cold cast iron in hot oven. Think  pan should come to room temp before placing in hot oven

i took a bread class a few years ago. It was taught by a retired airodimatic engineer. He warned us against throwing cold water in a heated cast iron pan to make steam. He claimed any extreme temperature change coul cause pan to shatter. He used the words explod.  Guess it would be the luck of the draw. I never needed to test it

That is why I said it can be put in hot oven AFTER A SHORT REST ON THE COUNTER.