A warm greeting to all the people those passionate about the art of the bakery and pastry.
With the due permission of the administrators of thefreshloaf.com, we would like to ask you to support our project, which is exposed in the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, with the intention of raising the necessary funds to be able to carry it out.
It's an innovative attachment that will radically change for the better the way to knead bread at home.
The attachment is designed to fit comfortably and quickly to the head of the stand mixers for domestic use, and as they say, an image is worth a thousand words, here we leave one with all the important details.
And finally to say you that we would greatly appreciate your collaboration, either contributing some money, and / or sharing the link of our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter platform through the leading social networking and other media, related to the bakery and pastry.
Thank you very much in advance.
The Kn-Tool team
P.S. It's in your hands, in those of everyone's lovers of the bakery, that this project sees the light or stays in the book of oblivion forever.
- Pataqueta's Blog
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