After baking the Champlain so often I was wondering whether it would be time to give this
formula another try...I remember last time I baked it was in October 2017 and one of the bakes that made me realize no I must walk before I run and reduce hydration!!!!
I followed Trevor's formula as on his blog apart from withholding 10g of water and use it for wetting hands....
I used Rubaud combined with a short bout of slap and folds....
Coil folds are amazing to manage wet dough and that's what I used for the first 4 folds in 30 min intervals.
ALSO - an Italian baker Matteo Festo suggested on his blog that you put a sample of your dough in a glass cover it with room temp water and put it near the bulk. If they piece of dough rises then your bulk has reached optimal bulk...
I tried that and the dough went puffier and puffier...and the piece of dough would not float...
In the end I had after 5 1/2 hours bulk at 75F I decided to do a pre-shape as Barney had to go to the VET for his yearly jabs...
Just as I finished the pre-shape the dough started floating so I cannot have been far off....
BUT boy was the dough proofy!!!
Pre-shape boule was nice and airy and did not loose too much shape after 30 min. Still rounded edges where they meet the counter....
Final Shape was so hairy as it was very difficult to kind of get the dough to do what I wanted as it was ouzing with air...I opted for Trevor's 'puffy' dough shaping technique but the folding over did almost not happen...
Wiggly, jibbly dough in banneton!
Then into wine cooler at 4C which actually is more like 5cish....After 4 1/2 hours the dough looked like it had risen and dough temp was 7C and I thought ready to bake.....
I find that call when the proof is ready with retard the toughtest part at the moment!
Ready for square scoring ....
and the dough sagged and ended up in the oven like this with me being reallly quite deflated too...
And then, slowly...go on fella.....
made it...
Very, very happy and can now dabble a bit more in the 80% hydration area....it tastes amazing with the spelt and rye in it! Oh....I need to think about to bake possibly on a tray on the stone to avoid the darker bottoms on my loaves...and dial in temp ...need to ponder on that...
- not.a.crumb.left's Blog
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That is some fine white bread for sure. I have to take my loaves out of the DO completely 5 minutes after the lid comes off and I just finish them on a stone or the oven rack directly to keep the bottoms from over baking. Love the 90 degree scoring st the end. Sleeping Ferret folds are perfect for this wet dough for sure! Lucy hopes Barney survived the Vet. Lucy hates all vets worse than anything,\
Happy baking Salt
our friend Gromit would say! The dough was so proofy and normally I would have cut bulk shorter but I was doing this 'waiting for the piece of dough to float' test ......
Barney is totally and utterly disgusted with the VET. I had a feeling that Pat, another male in the house (not the teenager) was feeding Barney too many treats under the pretext to do 'whistle' training...ha. ha... Barney has excellent recall trained by ME of course and does not need a treat to be lured back.....but nobody listens to me in the house....
soooooo Barney needs to loose 2KG and is on a strict diet!
p.s. thank you for info on 'burnt or almost burnt bottoms'.......I bake the loaves on stone decks in the B20 and I think I probably need to lower the temp at bit to bake longer and turn temp up at the last minutes only to get also a darker bake or I need to put loaves on trays towards the end of the bake....it is not really bad but just need to dial the process in more...
This one sprang beautifully in the oven! I really like working with high hydration dough too. I've been upping the hydration on my loaves slowly too, its definitely a walk, then run situation...
I'm looking forward too seeing your next bake:
Happy baking
I thought this one was a goner after the scoring and I think it was actually the tension but
luckily the beasties had enough strength to push it up!!!
Nerve-racking and fun at the same time....my family clearly thinks that I am mad.... Also waiting for your next bake....Kat
I think the crumb is perfect. You take lovely photos.
and I was very happy with this one thinking it is going to be a flat one and it tasted brilliant with the spelt and rye in it... Kat
Another beautiful bread, Kat! I can only imagine how difficult it is to work with these highly hydrated doughs. So it looks like the float test might be an extra tool to help us?
and it took me almost a year of practice when I did it last in October 2017!!!!! I am very happy that I can now get it into shape with the coil folds and mixing (Rubaud and slap & folds) but boy with 'this float test thing' the dough was soooooo proofy and getting it into a batard was really hairy!!
I am still wondering about the float test but I will try this again to see whether consistent or not...
Happy baking! Kat