Bakery visits Zurich

Profile picture for user leslieruf


Today was my traditional day out in Zurich with some of my sistersin law. Stadelhofen is where we meetup and luckily both bakeries I wished to visit were within a short distance of each other.  Kat suggested John  Baker and what an amazing shop. Tucked away in a little side street. would love to have been able to actually talk with bakers but they were very busy.  

The bread is made from organic flours and the flour bags are stacked up in the shop! locals can even have their bread delivered by bicycle!  they make 11 different breads and the baguettes looked gorgeous. Dinner tonight we will cut our loaf - ruchbrot!

here is pic of the bike trailers they use for deliveries etc


Then I had to follow up on  kendalm’s suggestion of Luxemburgerli from Sprüngli (it was raining and this shop is right beside the tram station so I couldn’t get a better shot!)


Inside I was confronted with this! 11 different flavours to choose from.....


they are not cheap but oh wow, just divine - our treat for the day - I think I have gone to heaven!!

Next Wednesday we head home and I am looking forward to baking again.  there have been so many interesting posts here - I can’t wait to try some of the ideas.


I feel like I was there too peering in the glass cases and sniffing fresh bread. I will also feel happy if I were there.

I love the bike trailers and I think there is also someone in London who does something similar. Love to hear what you think about the Ruchbrot and I was wondering before where to get my paws on some Ruchmehl! Are you allowed to take some back with you?

Oh and those macaroons look heavenly!  Have a lovely time with  your family and can't wait for your next bake...possibly something to do with Ruchmehl? :D Kat

but the bread was still warm, the baguettes were amazing.  The ruchbrot is really good - I am guessing wholewheat flour would be maybe 20-30%? so will try something similar at home.

We’ve been eating the macaroons (I think I prefer to call them Luxemburgerli!) and they are just wonderful - light, incredible bursts of flavour....

In an old book I found here it seems that ruchmehl is wholewheat flour with some of the bran and germ removed, halbwies mehl has even more removed. Sadly I can’t take any with me unless I have import permits etc :( so this is in the too hard basket along with Emmer, Einkorn etc


At  Zurich airport on the way out to the train station there is a bakery on the upper floor that intoxicates the entire hall with smell of fresh bread. Arriving there in the morning can make you hungry for bread.

Before flying home from Zurich, I got a loaf of spelt bread at Steiner and munched on it all the way back to the States.  Delicious bread and a very friendly and helpful staff at Steiner.

but our travel time is 36 hours incl a 13 hour stop in Bangkok so we won’t take food with us. sounds great though - lots of great small bakeries here although they too are being put under pressure by the big boys!


or should we say shchrrrprngli ! That Swiss German is a trip sounding :) you will never want to eat another macroon again although I'm not sure these are really macroons despite the similar appearance. Looks like you had a wonderful trip - now I gotta get online and order some of those. Did you have a particular fav ?

with bursts of flavour.  I can’t remember all the flavours but the raspberry was my particular favourite. not too sweet but with good stong raspberry flavour.. mmmm. lemon was great, salted caramel, mocha... hubby got the only apricot one so don’t know about that... I guess all are great..  

can’t take any with meeither so maybe one day when I have nothing to do I will try to make them, lol

thanks for the suggestion to visit it was great.  
