We are back from the holidays and needed bread...
So back to baking some Champlains and was a bit nervous as my last bake before the
holidays did not go very well.....
I like the 'square scoring' that the Italian baker Matteo Festo sometime uses and his stuff on IG is amazing! He says it helps with oven spring and I gave it a go.....
I love the way it just opens up like a flap!
could not resist and just cut the loaf...quite happy with the crumb....considering it is the lower hydration Champlain...
and the other loaf...
.....my friend Anna gave me the basket to distribute my bread! Ha, Ha I feel like Little Red Riding Hood!
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The holiday hasn’t stopped your gorgeous baking! love the idea of square score!
We are off this weekend to visit the Swiss half of the family so no more baking for a few weeks ☹️
will watch and see what new things you try.
lovely time with the family!!! I can't wait to hear what you think of that SD bakery in Zurich. I might give Joze's version of the 50/50 bake a go with the yeast water. That sounds very intriguing!!!!! Be well....Kat
in Zurich in particular those made by Luxemburgeli are heavenly - have you had them ?
bakery to visit ? will try and remember. We stay in a small village on the outskirts of greater Zurich so not sure how often we will make it into the city, but it sounds good.
thanks kendalm
If you're flying into Zurich there's and underground mall and subway station - luxemburgerli has / had a stall there. These macroons are like no other - they literally dissolve in your mouth. There easy to spot because they are puffed way higher than standard macaroon and smaller diameter - you gotta try em - I insist - here's there site - https://www.spruengli.ch/en/shop/luxemburgerli.html
I see they have a shop in Stadelhofen station too and I will definitely be going there so yes I will make sure I try some. John Baker has his store in that area as well, so two bakeries with one visit, how cool is that!!! ??
and nothing better than finding some great bakeries on holidays..Those macaroons sound like heaven! Kat
these should be on a postcard wow !
it is nice when things go well. Before the holiday I thought everything went well on a bake and I think I injected too much steam in the oven...and all three loaves ended glazed over....
So, a bit nervous as I had not baked for a while and starter was in fridge and all.....so very, very happy that I still can do it! Ha, ha...... Kat
Oh, Kat, I understand what you're saying about when things are not going well. My last loaves were not good either, overproofed, underproofed, each time it seems that something has completely escaped control. Fortunately sooner or later we find the way again and then the result is the one that you have brought us now, wonderful breads! I'm sure I'll test this square scoring.
Congratulations! Happy baking!
and baking sourdough is certainly evidence of patience and not giving up! I am sure that you will bake good bread again judging from what you have shared so far combined with your persistence. Don't forget there are always people here with a lot of useful advice but sometimes it is also good to potter around in our own kitchens and find out what works for 'us' rather than focusing too much what works for other people and getting lost in 'all that information'...at least that can happen with me with all that info on IG and here of course! ..so always good to absorb and bake....and on goes that circle of learning......I keep my fingers crossed and look forward to your next bakes! Kat
looking. you should be very proud. Nice work.
and I was soooo relieved as one bake before holidays went totally pearshaped and doubt was lingering....the high and lows of baking.... :D Kat
that this is exactly the way bread is supposed to look inside and out. If I am wrong then it is Lucy's fault for being such a terrible apprentice:-)
Happy baking NACL
and my apprentice here has been stealing bread and eating it! Happy baking to you too.... Kat
super oven spring. And an innovative way to score which I hadn't seen before. You're building quite a catalog of fine bakes on TFL.
and sorry for the late reply as I have sometimes a delayed notification in my email and miss messages from TFL...
The more I bake the more lovely formulas I start to discover on TFL...I have been reading up on TXfarmers 36 hour baguettes as well as your baguette posts...Maurizio also has an interesting Kamut demi baguette formula. The question is that I probably better get on with 'normal' shaping before I venture into Baguette territory... Kat