I decided to repeat my last weekend yeast water/sourdough levain bake. I had run out of the flour I prefer to used my second choice. The dough was really wet, although the gluten development was good, it was a really soft dough and I was happy how it baked up.
This weekend I decided to use 50% of that same flour and 50% of my normal flour. I checked the formula and now see that yes it is a really wet dough!! 50% water (Bakers percent) and 30% yeast water!!!
Friday night late I made the levain: 9g starter + 42 g flour + 42 g water and left it overnight.
Also mixed up a yeast water poolish: 60 g flour + 60 g active yeast water. Left this on bench overnight as well.
Saturday: As I was keeping the microwave at 80 deg F for Maurizio's 50:50 ww bake, I put both levain and poolish in there for a while as both were a bit sluggish.
13:15 autolyse 196g flour mix + 107 g water and 30 g yeast water.
13:40 Add levain and yeast water poolish and mix. 200 slap and folds. dough has come together beautifully! even though it was wet (but not as wet as last weekend's dough). Oh darn I have forgotten the salt! Added salt and did another 30 slap and folds.
This was followed by 4 sets of 5 coil folds every 30 minutes then left to BF.
17:00 I suddenly realised it had increased about 80% so preshaped, rested 20 minutes then shaped and retarded overnight.
Baked this morning in DO preheated to 250 deg C - 15 minutes lid on (dropped temperature to 230 deg C convection) then 15 minutes lid off.
Blown away by the bloom and oven spring in this 550 g loaf!!
Crumb shot later, but so excited that I got such a good bake with a high hydration dough! the loaf is super light too so I can hardly wait to see the crumb.
I have to rethink soooo much!
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I think you are in to something! I can’t waut to see the crumb!
It is now 5 and a half hours since it came out of the oven and I could not resist any longer.
I am sooo happy with this. The holes are not too big either, but the crumb is just so soft, lacy and light!
breads. I am very jealous!
I tried something different this weekend. I bulk fermented then put the dough in the fridge for several hours before dividing and shaping. Then I let it proof an hour on the counter before putting it to bed in the fridge for the night. I am curious to see if it improves the crumb.I just can’t see myself doing 150-200 slaps and folds on four batches of dough that weigh around 2400 g each.
if you did!. I agree that doing slap and folds on that weight of dough would be challenging - last week it was with 1550 g dough and it was definitely harder work than these smaller ones this weekend. I think with your flours you can probably get there another way.. the flour makes such a difference and obviously the weaker protein here needs a bit of omph to get there. I will look forward to your bake and see what difference this change makes.
Have you been away? I have missed your bakes lately - always look forward to them.
Bake happy Danni - hope you have sunshine (from a really wet, cold miserable winter day in NZ!)
going on during weekends that interfered with my baking. I did go away for a weekend but the rest were things at home. Hoping to get back on a regular again.
And yes, we do have amazing weather right now. Although with the humidex, it is hitting the high 30s in Celsius. I am so glad we installed air conditioning last fall when we replaced our furnace. I can now bake without fear of hearing up the kitchen! ?
The crumb openness is perfect: the fillings would hang in there and not fall out yet :) I can imagine how light it feels in my hand and how being so moist, it almost melts in my mouth.
Fantastic bake!
Normally I would not consider an 80% hydration bake so getting such an amazing result is incredibly encouraging. I am now a very keen supporter of slap and folds but think they must be tied to very gentle stretch and folds or as I am doing at the moment, Trevor's coil folds (although I see Maurizio also does this on instagram, I think) during the BF.
Bake happy Elsie
and what a beautiful open lacy light crumb!!!! You know rather than 'open crumb' it is that light and airy and lacy honeycomb that turns more and more into my dream!
FAB-U-Lous!!!!!! I need to pick your brain on this! Kat
trouble is to be sure I now must repeat it..... .
For sure the flours play a big part, as well as the slap and folds (this is the stand out for me as dough texture changed and handling was not difficult) but may be the addition of salt at the end of slap and fold? and what part does the YW play? would I get a similar result if I used a poolish + levain... I don’t know... so still lots more to learn ?
thank you
oh wow ! Fantastic ! Look at that rise and creamy crumb - you must be over the moon. Also noticed the first loaf more or less just sort of stretched at the scores, the second has some grigne and burst going on. It's a trip how different flours respond - mind telling us what you're using ?
Although you are an Aussie? from memory, I doubt you will know NZ flours, but I used 50% Edmonds Higrade (bread flour, protein 11.5%) and 50% Pams Higrade (bread flour 11% protein) but included a small amount of VWG to bump the protein up. I find Edmonds to be very extensible so prefer Pams which is one of our supermarket’s own brands (New World). but I have to say that this 50:50 mix was lovely to work with.
but aussie expat in los angles since the 80s. Like most from down under I've been to NZ but for any type of flour expedition. even still it might be interesting look up these flours anyway and assuming all other variables remained constant that is one incredible improvement !
congratulations! Such a gorgeous, gorgeous bread!
Give me some spring with that blistered, bloomer, boldy baked, open, soft, moist crumb and I will point out a show stopper of a bread. Grandly, beautimous with a hint of lovely tossed in for fun. Very nice if it tastes as good as it looks:-) We love YW / SD combo preferment breads. Perfect for those that don't like sour bread very much and appreciate a very open soft and moist crumb!
Well done and happy baking Leslie.
that helped my dough and suddenly the dough isn’t sticking to my hands like it used to, lol.
it was a bake where everything went right. thanks dabrownman
and then a few stretch and folds over the Bulk ferment keeps it just right and the stickiness goes away if you don't get io too wet with the wrong flours:-) It is very rare that Lucy and I make a bread without Slaping it around but the 123 No Touch is one pf the few
Wow, that is just perfect. I found the crumb on the community bake (Maurizio's 50% whole wheat) to be light and airy too, so perhaps the high hydration is in fact partly responsible. Not sure about the slap & fold (I must try that sometime when I'm making only one loaf), but the yeast water helps too. I use YW in one of my sourdoughs that has a few difficult ingredients (like sprouted spelt flour and oat bran) and I think it really helps with the crumb.
I am happy with it I must say and hope I can keep getting good results. Do try the slap and folds with a higher hydration loaf, but it won’t work with a big batch of dough without humungeous effort, lol..
bake happy Wendy
The crumb is dreamy, one that I can only dream for now. I am afraid of handling very wet lean doughs and I accepted it long ago that I can't do it at the moment. Maybe I should be more adventurous and try upping the hydration for a change. I can't stop staring at that perfect crumb!
it is just a simple white but theYW adds another level. I am a bit afraid of wet doughs, but this has showed that even so you can get a good loaf. if I am trying something new I often try with just a small boule (350 g) so if it goes wrong it not so much of a waste. ? I will be a bit more adventuresome in future, but I still need to figure just how high the hydration can go with my flours.
bake happy Job, all the best with your teaching.