Champlain party in the wine cooler...

Profile picture for user not.a.crumb.left

I am still trying to get my retarding times sorted in the new wine cooler. So yesterday evening I did a not very scientific experiment and put it in the wine cooler at 6C for 5 hours....I have found that the dough takes quite a while to 'cool' down and when I took dough temp after 5 hours it was 9C before baking...

Took the loaf to a barbecue today and thankfully people know me when they saw my reaction once someone cut the loaf!  It must have been the Disco light that did it in the wine cooler!

75% hydration Champlain, 1 hour AL, Rubaud combined with slap & fold, 3 X 30 min tucking in dough each side (coiling) and then left dough alone until end of bulk, bulked 50%, bench rest 15 min and cinching for final shaping.

The crumb is really nice, so is the crust. Gotta love those disco lights! LOL! :)

Well done Kat. 

Happy baking


I was pleased as I am learning about my new wine cooler at the moment...the temps are higher than the fridge and I need to adjust the proofing times and looks like going in the right direction... Kat

you got a great crumb, Kat and the batard has sprung and bloomed beautifully! are on roll.


can't wait to see all the lovely loaves from you judging from your weekly schedule!!!!! :D Kat

after a couple of 'all right' type of bread with a new oven and new wine cooler it is nice to see that the 'end to end' process seems to come together. :D Kat

It it was a tire you aren't going anywhere soon.  Now if there had been some good wine in that cooler since disco days you would really have something worth drimking too:-)  Seriously, that is snome nice bread for sure.

Well done and happy baking.

I am still contemplating the 'cold bulk' with my overproofing of the 50/50...I call this method now 'cold ambient' proofing as it is colder but still very fast!!!!  I knew I should have built one of those Maurizio style freezer proofers but just don't have the space at the moment.... and today I might turn the lights on chilled blue...   Kat