5 7 5 Haiku Bread Poem Challenge

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Lucy loves Haiku and between bakes she thinks up some good ones.   Between bakes I thought we should all give it a try and see if our bread improves.

Just add them on here as comments.  Here is Lucy's first shot and then mine but there will be more as time allows.

Don Baggs makes baguettes

Out of any recipe

 Turns dough into sticks

And mine

Pumpernickel airs

Wafting through the bakery

So few friends remain



Oven I own not

Even with that scenario

I make breads of love

Filipino/Tagalog (My mother tongue)

Hurno ma'y wala

Nguni't mga tinapay

Ako'y gagawa

Bicolano (My mom's mother tongue)

Di na magbakal

Ng limbuk na masiram

Naggibo na ko

Profile picture for user WatertownNewbie

The crumb ate the crumb

Leaving us only the crust

Surrounding a hole

Autolyse is first 

Bulk fermentation comes next 

Then shape proof bake eat


yours sounds nostalgic, melancholy

I'm gonna be trivial.

Open crumb we seek

Oven springs with no season

Late bloom out of time


for one of the biggest giggle fits I have had in a VERY long time (and I thank you heartily for it!).

And why, pray tell, is pumpernickel known thus? I wasn't at all aware that rye/pumpernickel was considered -- ahem -- windy.

On the other hand, I love telling people that Jerusalem artichokes (called "topinambour" here in France) are known affectionately back home as fartichokes.

OK, scratch the "melancholy nostalgia", my bad :-D

I didn't get Lucy's either until she told me that in France the street slang for baguettes is stick.  I thought she was ragging on Alan for making sticks instead of bread.\Lucy's Latest

A challenging bake

We don’t like no stinkin’ rules

We make our own up

And my latest

Lucy sleeps all night long

Shy lays around all day too

In between her naps


but you gotta be a certain age to know what I mean :-D

But actually, it's kinda the opposite. Certain sticks are legitimately and quite correctly called baguettes: drumsticks (the musical ones, not the turkey ones), chopsticks, and small bits of lumber -- not dowels, but the kind that you would make a picture frame with.

Although the word "baguette" was not used to refer to a type of bread until 1920,[10] the word itself simply means "wand", "baton" or "stick", as in baguette magique (magic wand), baguettes chinoises (chopsticks), or baguette de direction (conductor's baton).  Alternate Names:  French Stick

I thought the bread was called baguettes for centuries  For French Speakers

 "Le Pain Frais"La Figaro (in French). Paris. 1920-08-04. Retrieved 2018-01-20.

force that kept bagel making machines at bay for many years.  This is one of my favorite bagel making videos


And here they are today making bagels today


The One Man Bagel Bakery


Robots and machines say there are way too many people in this bakery - get rid of those weak links!



I love the first video, even if it makes me feel slightly ashamed that, growing up on the Lower East Side/Chinatown/Little Italy, I never gave bagels a second thought. They were just…there. We'd go to a small bakery (on Houston? Delancey? Grand?) and just get them, without ever thinking of the work and craft behind it all. Can't for the life of me remember the name of the bakery (and I preferred bialys, anyway).

Nostalgia. Thanks!


The word stems from an old Bavarian term for “hard”; either referring to the process used to grind the grain into flour, or the density of the final bread product. According to Langenscheidts Taschen Wörterbücher (1956), it refers to a form of “pumping work”. The philologist Johann Christoph Adelung states that the word has an origin in the Germanic vernacular where pumpern was a New High German synonym for being flatulent, and Nickel was a form of the name Nicholas, commonly associated with a goblin or devil (e.g. "Old Nick", a familiar name for Satan), or more generally for a malevolent spirit or demon. Hence, pumpernickel means "devil's fart", a definition accepted by the publisher Random House,[3] and by some English language dictionaries, including the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.[4] The American Heritage Dictionary adds "so named from being hard to digest". A variant of this explanation is also given by the German etymological dictionary Kluge that says the word pumpernickel is older than its usage for the particular type of bread, and may have been used as a mocking name for a person of unrefined manners ("farting Nick") first. The change of meaning may have been caused by its use as a mocking expression for the (in the eyes of outsiders) unrefined rye bread produced by the Westphalian population.

The Oxford English Dictionary does not commit to any particular etymology for the word. It suggests it may mean a lout or booby, but also says "origin uncertain". The OED currently states the first use in English was in 1756.

A false folk etymology involves Napoleon, who, while invading Germany, asked for bread and was served dark Westphalian rye. According to the folktale, Napoleon declared that this was not suitable bread for himself, the emperor, but was bread (pain) for Nickel (or Nicole), his horse: "C'est du pain pour Nickel/Nicole!"[5] In a variation of the same basic story, Napoleon declared that the bread was no good for him, but was only good (bon) for his horse: "C'est bon pour Nickel!" The name "Nickel" is not confirmed for any of Napoleon's many horses. Additional folk etymology grew from a "witty interpretation", proposed by seventeenth-century satirist Johann Balthasar Schupp, that the bread was only good for "Nicol", a nickname for a weak or puny horse.[6][7]


Build, Mix, Wait, Shape, Bake -

Cool, Slice, Toast, Spread or Dip; Bread

in Birth, Life and Wake.

Ain't no baguettes left

I can cry and say goodbye

Or just bake some more


and one more for the furry wannabes out there...


Lucy runs the show

As Second Class Apprentice

Barfs on master's toes



"Amun, fetch the grain"

*Curses! left out in the rain*

"Heaven - the Leaven"


Perhaps I should have stopped while the going was good.


seed soil water sun

farmers, millers, bakers toil

bread on the table

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Searching for the grail

Not the holy one although

Maybe the holey

Buy term papers here

We sell phoney ID's too

I report myself


In reply to by Our Crumb

When we report it

And as Floyd cleans up the site

Another crops up

Soft, moist, and open

The crumb gods can be fickle

Better to make pie

and Lucy's latest

Wet can open the crumb

Dry can make bread dense as steel 

Eat concrete instead


Profile picture for user Mini Oven

begin the fun dance

one two three and percent two

rises folds and bake


Out-numbered cheap bread

Local Bakery closing

Just too hard to live

Only the lonely

Make bread to eat all alone

Sharing makes fast friends