Just a plea for posters linking to other web pages to do the right thing and instead of selecting "Target - none", select "Target - new window" so your link will open in a new browser tab instead of taking the reader away from the origin post.
Thank you,
I just recently learned how to do links and didn't know about this. I tested out some of my recent links and unfortunately I had chosen "None" as target. My apologies to all and this will be done properly from here forward.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
You can also just get into the habit of Command or Control clicking on links (or long click on a phone and selecting "Open in new tab"). I've been doing it for years and don't even think about it any more.
And in Windows of course you can just do right click/open in new tab. But it's nice if the link does it that way in the first place.
Floyd, just wondering if it's possible to change the default action to "open in new window"?
Us not quite so techie folks get there by the seat of our pants at times. A great tip so thank you.