Floyd is there any way to enlarge the Robot test display? On my computer it drives me to distraction to peer off into the long perspective shots looking for a street sign or just the rear wheel on a car parked in the shade. I hope you can offer bigger and better resolution for the 'old folks' and their tired old eyes.
I think I made it so you no longer go through the captchas.
Thanks for trying but I'm still getting 'captured'.
However when I log onto my profile from a computer I get a captcha but as long as I continue on that computer I don't get it again. Only when I log onto my profile from another computer do I get the captcha again.
So will only be asked to confirm "I am not a robot" for the first time I log onto my profile from any computer.
If you're using the same computer but the captcha comes up everytime perhaps you've got the settings so that it doesn't remember you each time and thinks you're logging on for the first time everytime!
I dunno. I guess I've got suspicious electrons. I'm only using one computer but I'm still getting quizzed. Only occasionally will I be readmitted without the quiz and then only on the same day and only after I've only been off the site for only a short while. What the heck? It ain't costing nuthin! And it's mild compared to some of the things I put up all the time. I'll soldier on resolutely.