I have been baking waffles for some time now. However, one thing perplexes me the most and haven't been able to find out an answer to. AROMA.
I have tried baking many kinds of waffle batters..some give out so strong AROMA that you fall in love with the smell and some give out mild aroma and some waffle baking gives out no aroma at all. I tried making many combinations but have failed to understand what causes the strong AROMA while baking.
Awaiting some help to increase AROMA of my waffle Baking. I want to know what all ingredients in waffles give out that strong loving aroma.
Thanks in advance.
When I make my waffles I always add some vanilla and nutmeg. When I bake them off that aroma of the two goes through the whole house.
Thanks a lot FloridaShark for your prompt reply. I do use vanillin powder while baking waffles. However, I dont get the rich aroma. I will try nutmeg with combination of vanillin powder.
Thanks once again.
I add Barley Malt Syrup for a distinctive aroma. I used to use Non Diastatic Malt Powder, but it was too difficult to store long term - clumping issues with any moisture in the air at all.
Thanks. will try it.