Hello bakers, Im on the hunt for an authentic aussie pineapple donut. I used to buy one of these every morning on the way to school. I have searched hi and low and googled to excess. So if there is an Aussie baker out there please can you help with the recipe. It is not iced it is a glaze. I am guessing a sugar glaze flavoured with pineapple but not like anything I have ever tried before and I dont know glazes so dont know if butter is added to a glaze or not. Maybe someone will recognise the pic and know exactly how it is done.....fingers crossed. This is now becoming an obsession because I dont live there any more. Waiting for help patiently...thank you...:-)
Sorry to say I don't really remember pineapple doughnuts that well they weren't my bag back in the day. I was more into the cinnamon ones that that were made with the machine that extruded dough rings directly to a little deep fryer river (remember that device that had a conveyer. You could get them right off the production line and they were incredible. There are so many baked foods that I've tried to replicate from my teen years in Sydney such as apple pies, pies and eclairs and I do it because anytime I find someone who claims they make authentic versions usually fall short of expectations. It also seems that it takes many attempts to even get close. As an example with pies, one key is that you need to use margarine (preferably Australian margarine) or lard and it seems the case each time there's one or two key factors that make a huge difference. You may just have to research like mad to find out with the pineapple doughnuts (sorry wish I could help and know the frustration well)
Was so hoping you would answer and know what I was after...no worries, I will play with a pineapple syrup into a sugar glaze and see what I get. I do remember the conveyer donuts and they were lovely. But you know when you remember a taste that you can’t get where you live....lol. Worth a try when I do donuts again...it’s all in the glaze....nice to hear from you ....
Of course I know what its like and unfortunately I just didn't eat enough to even stab at what might be different. recently I decided I wanted cheese cake - the no bake kind which we used to eat as kids and I knew that certain elements for example the crust had to be salty and the cake very lemony but with this dpughnut I had then less often - I can ask around friends and family and if I get a hit will let you know ;)
you never know someone will know...meanwhile I will play with the pineapple syrup and let you know...good luck with the cheesecake...
Yes I'm trying to find this pineapple donut myself almost impossible...heard anything?
must be just an aussie thing! is is just the icing - it makes me think more of a pineapple slice dipped in fritter batter and deep fried..
oh yes Leslie they are lovely and the banana fritter was good to....but this donut is something special. I will have to learn to do without...lol
with the glaze sandwiched in between? If so you could make your own pineapple curd, which in addition to pineapple juice would contain confectioner's sugar, egg yolk and butter.
No Andychrist, just a donut fully dipped into a pineapple syrup it says in the description. I found the makers here https://balfours.com.au/our-range/type/sweet/ just called pineapple donut. Cant see them giving me the recipe tho...:-(
dipped in syrup you could make your own easily enough. I'm assuming Balfours use artificial flavour, like maybe Watson's. But an all natural syrup can be prepared simply by reducing pineapple juice over the lowest heat possible then mixing in confectioner's sugar. (I've done this quite often when making my infamous jelly do-nots.)
i will get a pure pineapple juice and give it ago....will post back when I have results.....lol is your famous jelly donuts on here somewhere....?
But I most often use orange pineapple juice or a mixture of fresh pineapple and some kind of passion fruit blend to give the glaze a richer colour and more complex flavour.
Best of luck, macette!
i really fancy pineapple and passion fruit...thank you for great tips, will let you know when I succeed...lol
If you find the recipe or anyone who sells it let me know I am in Florida
No luck yet...:-( I will try making the syrup next time to make donuts and I like the idea of using a bit of passionfruit. I can get a bottle of thick passionfruit puree here in Northern Ireland . Might try pouring that over one to see how it dries in. But may have to face the fact I may never get another pineapple donut ...:-( But if I do I will let you know :-)
Found a recipe for you for pineapple glazed donut.
Fantastic ! ! ! Many thanks Michelle amazing ! Will be trying this very soon...thank you for posting and remembering...lol
Hi there if you google Balfours they make these doughnuts, I used to have these when I was in High School.
I am in florida too and no pineapple doughnuts..... so I have been hunting too.... glad there are some ideas for making them
hello, I’ve just joined and am after the exact same thing. I’m pretty sure mr. donuts here in Melbourne make these donuts. And there is pineapple syrup, icing sugar and maybe glucose syrup as well. I’m trying to figure it out as well. ? please let me know if you’ve found a good recipe and ratio of ingredients.⭐️?
Hi Veron, You should look at the links above, I have not tried them yet, when I make donuts I forgot to try it...lol I have also found this, will try to remember next time...?♀️ INGREDIENTS
Boil the pineapple juice and sugar for 2 minutes.
There's a place online I believe called yum.com.au think they might have it
I remember them too - so good. The minute you try to explain to people what they are, they get all confused and think you mean; 1. there is a ring of pineapple IN the donut, or; 2. it has thick pineapple icing on the outside.
You might also want to try adding a cup of sugar to pineapple jelly (NOT jam, but the wobbly stuff) and use that as a glaze. Don't add butter. Use the jelly when it is warm, but not hot or cool. I reckon the flavour would be pretty close to the original.
Thanks Robyn, thats worth trying...they really were a taste sensation, fingers crossed I get close.
OMG I was only talking about these tonight, trying to explain to my wife what they were. I googled them and found this post. I used to buy these from my school canteen in Sydney in the late 1980's and early 1990's. I miss them soooo much. Do they still make them anywhere???? I'm in Adelaide now and haven't seen them for years.
I used to get one on the way to school no canteen at our school just a tuck shop also in Sydney then and maybe they still sell them in Sydney but I am now living in Northern Ireland so no chance of getting them here. This why the search is on for the pineapple glaze. So if you do ever find them see if they would tell you the recipe for a poor aussie in N.Ireland ...lol
I love the pineapple donuts you're talking about. They are best when the glaze seeps into the donut, the deeper the better. I used to buy them whenever I saw them even if I couldn't eat them immediately. I would take them home and if necessary I would microwave them for 22 seconds.This worked even if they were a day or 2 old. I love donuts hot.
Have you found a good recipe yet? I'm dying to have it if you have. I love to cook, especially sweet stuff, deserts, biscuits and cakes. I cook savoury, as well but you can't beat the sweet stuff.
I want to try Michelle’s version Up above in comments it looks good. I did try a syrup but the one she found has butter So will try that.
I live in Sydney and have been searching the perfect recipe, the closest commercially made one i have found is balfours but still not like the old school canteen ones from memeory, I was a 2 are day consumer. I have made many and have got close but nothing like the original.
I still have not got close, it is becoming the elusive pineapple donut destined to become just a childhood memory...I loved them....?
And I thought..., I'll make pineapple donuts tomorrow...Haven't had them in probably 30 years, I almost forgot how much I loved them !
And no recipe to be found.
I came across this article:
I'm 60 yrs old..I concur with the 62 yr old man when he says they are "not just the same".
What have we got:
Dipped and not coated
Soft and light, and full of flavour (but not sickening...a good balanced flavour)
I do recall the syrup colour approx 3-5mm deep into the donut. It wasn't wet, nor dry ... somewhat sticky. You couldn't eat it fast enough!!
I look forward to the recipe .. step it up experts! :-)
We are all doomed never to taste that wonderful pineapple donut again ... just a memory... there will be millions of people in their 60’s remembering the soaked not dipped pineapple donuts and you are so right about the soaked bit. There must be somebody who made these gems of deliciousness able to let us know how... pleaseeeee.
I asked 'crazy baker' Steve on YouTube, and today he posted a video with his version.
I sent him this link. He seemed the type of baker who would know, or good enough to find out.
It's very close, he glazed one side. If we glaze both sides, or a quick dip it may be perfectly exact.
He used sourdough, which is worth noting... miht be the difference for its soft unique texture.
Hopefully the recipe will find its way into future google searches
btw..go there and thank him. :-)
Our pineapple donut deprevation may be over...Yayyy !!! I searched and found the video, the link didn't work. I will try the yeasted version have not had much luck with sourdough. Thank you for your effort in the search I will post results. Will also thank the crazy baker...:-)
Oh damn I love this recipe! the pastry was great, unfortunately I decided not to fry it, but to cook it in an oven. That was my mistake. I put the pan in an oven, it cooked well, but when I took it off I realized that the pastry stuck in a pan. But what I managed to tear off it tested delicious.
My husband adores these and has fond memories of eating these in his teen years. We have looked everywhere in QLD for them but have had no luck. I've tried making pineapple glaze but it never seems to taste remotely similar. I'm still looking for a recipe that is close to the original. I'll let you know if I ever find one.
These were my favourite too....I have not had any luck with the pineapple glaze either Narrell, But I did come across a youtube video for a pineapple glaze Gel. I just don't think the juice is enough to get a strong flavour. So the gel is made with the fruit its self here is the link I found see what you think I have not tried it yet...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeW7vX9bGpk
I'm not sure that one would taste the same, it seems to be thickened with cornflour and I'm thinking it would be more of a sauce consistency. I guess I'm looking for something I can dunk into so it seeps into the doughnut itself, rather then a glaze or an icing. I will add it to the list of ones to try. Thanks for the link, of course only an Aussie knows what an original aussie pineapple doughnut looks & tastes like. The search continues!!!
I see what you mean maybe could Ditch the cornflour and if to thick thin it a bit with juice...then soak the donut....lol or a very reduced pineapple juice...good luck please keep trying ...lol
All this time when I was following this thread, I thought that there was actually pineapple in the dough and I was thinking about how that would all come together. When I watched the above youtube link (great link,BTW), I was amazed to see that the donut is just a plain donut but the "pineapple" is in the frosting/glaze. The world is an interesting place.
Now that I've watched him make these donuts, I believe that not only freshly made donuts are key for a great flavor but heating the glaze to a simmer is key. It should totally changes the texture and flavor of the glaze. I agree with a previous post/reply about dipping the whole donut into the glaze and I would do it while the donut was hot. I'm just speaking form experience eating donuts as I've never had a pineapple donut but they do sound delicous. I also prefer an all-over glaze to a thick frosting so my personal preferences are coming thru my recommendations.
My .02.
Thanks for the great link and discussion!
This one might be close
Im looking too.
This looks close, thank you will be definetly be trying this...!!!
Me too. Let me know... how you go. Am having a go at making the syrup today.
That’s fantastic post what you think of it...
Hi Macette
saw your post and really feel for you as I used to love orange fanta back in the eighties and they changed the flavour (late eighties) and it is disgusting now and I refuse to drink fanta in protest.... when they changed the flavour and it started coming out in the stores I thought it was actually gone off, but alas they destroyed the original flavour. I found it had something to do with using lady bugs for the orange colouring but mate, did they ask me if I cared about the lady bugs...honestly, bring back the original fanta...it was 100 times better than coke...
as for the pineapple donut recipe, I can't help you, sorry, other than it is sold by Balfours cakes who were originally from adelaide and have an outlet in Chatswood Sydney...maybe you could call them to import them to your place and start a little import business :).
Their link is below if interested.
That reply really cheered me up ... lol. I’m thinking the pineapple donut has probably gone the same way as Fanta.. lol. It’s been a long time since I have eaten my favourite donut and being in UK it’s a bit far to import. I have never had the Balfours version don’t think I could stand the disappointment if it wasn’t as good .. lol I think someone from our Save the pineapple donut group will come up with A substitute or it will remain in our childhood memories... lol. Sorry about your orange Fanta:-(
I'm glad I could cheer you up. Believe me the Balfours is good, it's the same lot with the finger buns, cream buns and custard tart of the 70's. If by chance you come to the Land of Oz at least you know you can look up Balfours and you will get to have it again. I would love to buy and send you a batch as I feel your pain and anguish, but they would probably be stale by the time they reached you.
That probably is the ones I was buying late 60’s and 70’s On the way to school , I had never heard a brand name at that time. I will make a dash for the shop if I ever back in OZ. And thank you for the very kind thought but yes they would probably be stale and squashed :-) my 2nd favourite was a cream bun and have had a pretty good attempt at those...
Hi Macette
Thought I'd let you know I actually tried that thermomix recipe yesterday and it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately I didn't know what a thermomix was as I suffer from mild IMS (ignorant male syndrome) so I stuffed up on the syrup. I mixed the syrup ingredients with cold pineapple juice and the butter curdled and separated (I make a delicious boscaiola, but thats about as far as it goes for me in the kitchen). I kind of saved it by heating the mixture in the microwave and managed to coat the donuts which tasted not too bad but I think it would be better to heat the ingredients and bring to boil to thicken the syrup a little bit. I assume the thermomix probably does a better job also. Anyway, have a lovely day and I hope my reply helps you in trying to get that perfect pineapple donut flavour you crave.
I have no knowledge about thermomix either...lol Sounds like you made good progress ! We have been up to our necks in DIY so dounts have not had a look in, but Im glad to hear someone is still trying, thanks for reporting your results, I feel its getting closer to our beloved pineapple donut ! :-)
I realized that you posted this 2 years ago but by any chance was the donut shop called Dinos because they did the best pinapple donuts
I use to buy them on the way to high school in the 60's so wasn't really a bakery just a corner shop that sold cream buns eclairs and donuts in the inner city of Sydney. I don't know Dinos but really wish I did, would of liked to try them. Don't suppose you could get Dinos recipe for the pineapple syrup.....!!!
Hi, I feel your pain, My husband and I have been searching for the same donut. We used to get them at a bakery in Liverpool. they were best and nothing else compares to it. We have tried the Balfours donut and its just to dry. hope you find them, and if you do let me know. cheers
I fear we may never taste that pineapple donut again. But will keep an eye out just in case 😁
Sorry to say they are long gone how you would remember them 2 reasons.
1: the donuts were a made up mix to make the dough that was changed to a pre mixed cake recipe in bags
2: the glaze was changed to pineapple flavored fondant as the icing
The glaze was a mixture of thinned down white fondant and pineapple essence. for flavour gelatine hot water mixed then poured into the hot fondant. creating the glaze as the donuts came off the fryer they went though the glaze being very hot they soaked up the glaze a went though a cooling tunnel to set.
The new way was just to run them on the pineapple fondant machine to just ice the top only saving a lot of time and work
ex baker from that time 1980s
Yes I have been trying to find this pineapple donut I used to have at my tuck shop at school can't find anywhere it was a dream to say the least!
I know people today like to say age is just a number, but those numbers effect ones taste buds. Trying to recreate a flavor you remember from adolescence or childhood can be a fools errand as your memory (in all likelihood) wouldn’t be rewarded by your changing olfactory and taste receptors.
That said, I found this thread amusing for a completely different reason. I started baking to improve the healthfulness of what I put into my body. Reading a thread about someone trying to recreate the very type of thing I started down this path to avoid is hilarious (to me at least).
What we share is a joy of the process of problem solving and discovery. The trip we take in search of an elusive taste we try to recreate is at least half the pleasure in the journey.
Hi there, like yourself, I too loved my pineapple donuts in the morning. I would buy mine from my school canteen in the late 80’s. I would wash mine down with an ice coffee Move🤤 I relise your past was a while ago but Just wanted to let you know the LA Donuts in Beverly Hills Sydney make them near identical to the original…. Fluffy and sticky in pineapple goodness. Hope this get to you and you’re in Sydney
I now live in Northern Ireland but was from Sydney. I wish I knew that the last time I was home. 🤦🏼♀️ The delicious pineapple donut will forever be a wonderful memory for me.
Just adding to this conversation, I got hold of a Balfour Pineapple donut and here’s the ingredients list. I believe to prevent the syrup from getting too watery, the addition of gelatine would control the amount of syrup the donut absorbs.
I'm SO glad to have found this site. I've been thinking about these donuts for years. Always on the look-out in case I happen to come across them in some small bakery somewhere, but never do. So I thought 'how hard' can it be to find the recipe these days ... turns out it's very hard :(. I've come onto this thread quite late but was wondering if you ever managed to find a reasonable recipe?
I have just found this recipe which looks quite good (cake), and will follow 'Simon.58' info for the glaze. If it turns out anywhere near similar, then I'll try with donuts. Fingers crossed.
Thank you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I think it’s pretty close 🤞
OOoooo this actually looks promising 😍! Thanks SO much 👏👏
I remember Donut-Dan at Warringah Mall in Brookvale on Sydney's north shore used to make these beauties. It was a larger, yeast style doughnut with a glaze that was kind of pineapple but sure was delicious. The glaze had a slight crunch to it but not like toffee yet more so than icing, it was clear yellow & was very sweet & sticky. They were my mum's favourites.
I've not seen them anywhere for years, & certainly not here in Western Australia where I've lived for the last 40 years. So I'd be interested in a recipe if one comes up that matched Donut-Dan's version.
PFD frozen foods have them. If you ask them they may sell you a box.
Try sallywise.com.au, she has recipe for glazed, iced and stuffed pineapple donuts. They were my favourite donuts whenever we were on a road trip.
Thank you I will definitely check that out. 👏🏻👏🏻
We have a Bakery here in Kingswood Western Sydney NSW who make old school Pineapple Donuts. It is $15 for 4 and they only make a certain amount per day., I buy 4-5 boxes and individually wrap in baking paper & freeze.
They are truly simply the best.