Semolina bread

I spent a goodly amount of last evening reading all about Bosch and DLX mixers, all the while knowing that I can't afford to buy either unless I win the lottery. Probably would have to buy a ticket to make that happen. However, I do have a nearly new Cusinart food processor which makes the world's best pastry - so why not bread? I searched my notebook of recipes copied from TFL members looking for one with a small enough amount of flour since I know my machine is too small for a multi loaf recipe. The one I chose was the Semolina Sandwich Loaf, many thanks to Zolablue. It took all of the semolina flour I had on hand, and the dough was very slack and I probably should have added some bread flour. The machine made very short work of the kneading and I detected a slight "overheated" smell at the time I decided it was ready. I did a fabulous French fold and have to say the semolina flour is very easy to clean up compared to white flour. The dough was still too soft to do much shaping after it had risen but it rose quite well in the pan. Unfortunately my fear of overproofing led me to bake it too soon and it blew out one side. The recipe didn't call for slashing so I didn't; maybe that would have prevented it? So the loaf isn't pretty, but the crumb is wonderful and the flavor is great. On the whole I think I will wait until I can buy one of the "proper" mixers, but it was fun to experiment. A.

Annie - Good for you to make that in your FP. I would think that works well because of the texture of that dough and the fact it is a 1-loaf recipe.


I don't personally like to make bread in a FP having tried it a few times as it just never worked out for me. No doubt it does limit you to certain bread recipes but sounds like you had a good result with this one. I'm so happy to hear you liked the flavor. I adore semolina and the color alone is enough to put a smile on your face.

Congrats, Annie!  Good flavor trumps looks, imo. :)  You might want to borrow a copy of "The Best Bread Ever" by Charles van Over.  His method is nice and simple and makes very good bread.
Hi KipperCat, it was a good thing the semolina bread turned out so well because my loaf of "Susan's" sourdough bread was a disaster. Just when I thought I had nailed the recipe and could move on. Pride goeth before, etc. Is "The best Bread Ever" a food processor bread book? I will check my library - if it's available they will get it for me. Thanks for the tip, A.