Greetings from a guy who likes to bake


After browsing through this site I decided to take the plunge.

My story is simple and at first contradictory.    About 5 years ago, I watched my waist line go up another few inches when I bought trousers and finally said enough is enough.   After doing some research on why we gain weight I decided there were two causes - to much added sugar in our diet, and to much processed food junk in our diet.  I started buying ordinary real food and making most of my own meals cutting back on sugar and highly processed carbs.I lost 25 pounds with no problems. 


I missed my baked goods, especially good bread!

I realized that since I have to limit my carbs, I might as well enjoy them when I eat them, so I started baking my own bread which tastes so much better than the store bought stuff (you all knew that I am sure).  Even the so called 'artisan' breads are a poor shadow of a good home make loaf.   One slice of a home-made loaf is so much more satisfying than two slices of so-called 'artisan' bread from the store.

Also, I discovered that I could eat more of my home made bread without the negative effects on my weight of eating the same amount  of store bought breads. Why?  I have several ideas but I won't bore you with them now.

So, today when I want some bread I make it myself.

 "I started baking my own bread which tastes so much better than the store bought stuff (you all knew that I am sure)."

Yes I think we can agree on that -- even the failures are more tasty than the store=bought bread. 

Welcome to the Fresh Loaf.  We look forward to your contributions as well as your questions.  Floyd Mann is our host.
