Took a formula that Ian had posted some time back and made a few changes . He made enriched buns as did I but I had 750 grams leftover so shaped a batard and pinched the bottom with flour in the crack hoping for a burst of creativity ! I got it.
700g starter- 600g rye and 100g AYW
600 g unbleached KA bread flour
225g durum
200g spring wheat
100g soft cheese ( I used Délice de Bourgogne with the blooming crust pulled off)
100g soft butter
85 g maple syrup
32 g salt
approx 650g water
autolysed the flours and water a couple hours while at gym. Added everything else and did 50 turns in the bowl pulling the sides up and over with a rubber spatula. Did 5 sets of 50 at approx 30 min intervals. Put dough in bucket and let it rest 2 hrs in warm place. Didn't rise at all. Took it out on floured table and did stretch and folds. Dough is so lovely and easy to work with. Did this a 15 min intervals x 5. Placed in bucket and set in cold mud room area overnight. Placed in fridge at 6 AM. Had risen 50%. Came home from gym and shaped cold dough into 2 doz 3 oz buns and one 750g batard. Let rise about 2 hrs. Baked the loaf first in my Mom's 1940's granite roaster. It is the best for baking ! I just put it in the oven as it preheats to 500. Pan gets hot really quickly. Place loaf in and cover. Baked 10 min at 500 and then reduced to 475 for 10 min all with lid on. Removed lid and had a big smile finished baking for 20 min lid off at 475. Reheated oven to 500 . Had previously brushed buns with egg yolk glaze and put on sesame seeds. Placed baking sheets back in cold mud room to wait for bread to bake. Retrieved cold buns and baked for 10 min at 500. switched racks and reduced to 475 for 10 min , turned back up to 500 for 2 min to brown a bit more. Amazing fragrance. Will post crumb pic later.
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and it won't let me delete it...arrgh....this photo stuff is going to kill me ! Anyway the first pic is OLD .
Oh those are nice and pretty! Great variety of bakes. The buns must be soft and rich. Now the batard... It is a master piece. Very well done!
Ignore first picture! Dumb computer pics up wrong picture and TFL won’t let me delete or edit it out.
The buns are light as air. Will have crumb shot tomorrow. Batard is going to pot luck on Sunday will try and get picture then.
Your other pictures look scrumptious! Well done!
My grandson had a roll and loved it! I froze the rest as we had tacos for dinner ? pics and tasting report tomorrow. Yes computers make me crazy!
The pumpkin seeds look great too :).
Glad you could use my formula for a base. These must have tasted great.
I'm working on one last bake before I'm off to Germany for a business trip. It's a version of a porridge bread with potatoes and cheese that I've made before but I changed a few things.
Happy Baking!
? stupid pics ... pumpkin seed is from years ago... gremlins in the photo set up for TFL. Haven’t tasted yet... lunch today and crumb shots. Have a great trip! Hope the weather there has settled down. Catastrophic winds and storms caused a lot of damage.
I have a soft spot for Ian's rolls too!. love the roaster too! Well done and happy baking Trail
Didn’t get a pic of the crumb. Mustard was on and bun in mouth too soon. Amazing holes and flavor. Will definitely get a pic of the batard tomorrow. Thank you DAB!