A very soft crumb for a large percentage of whole rye flour. Had a sourdough going and decided while that was doing its thing I'll make a yeasted bread. With a combo of bread flour, whole rye flour and semolina this recipe caught my eye. A few points...
- Since it was last minute I didn't have the onions so I missed it out. I'm sure it'll be even more delicious included.
- Had no vital wheat gluten either but really not necessary.
- I halved the yeast and doubled the bulk ferment time since it was a quick recipe anyway.
- Left out the sugar.
Here it is: https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/chewy-semolina-rye-bread-recipe
Tastes like a poolish bread with no poolish.
that is a pretty crumb. Since I have YW I always cut the yeast by more than 1/2 and find my breads still rise at the rate of reg yeast but the flavor and freshness of the loaf are much greater. I started with my challah to see the results. I will give your rye a try ( rhymes ?) with AYW and see what I get. Very nice loaf
I can't vouch for including the onions and vital wheat gluten but this is very nice indeed and I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.
Do you use YW and dried yeast?
just because I have. a quart jar of it and it is SO active . I love the flavor and texture it adds to yeast breads. I could likely leave out all dried yeast and will give that a try next batch of challah. A nice thing about YW is unlike reg dried yeast , YW likes enriched breads. So the eggs,sugar and fat don’t slow it down. You do have to rise at a warmer temp as it loves heat for the fermentation. My YW is over 5 yrs old and going strong. Give it a try. Great results. I will post next bake with YW
But never kept one going. It does give great flavour and rise. I think you could leave the dried yeast out and go by feel. 5 years and going strong, nice! Perhaps I should make another one.
Btw I used semolato which is fine semolina. Probably the grind just before it would be called durum flour. I also used whole rye flour. Whether thats exactly pumpernickel I'm not sure.
Looking forward to your bake.
more and more. I love the mock mill and have used it for my rye berries which I just acquired. As my flour supply is used I will be buying only whole grains. I look forward to many interesting bakes. I love durum and keep a durum starter. Please get your YW going. So lovely in many breads. I keep a large piece of orange peel in mine. I think it keeps the apples fresh longer and I love the fragrance.
today I popped a chunk oh orange peel into my raspberry YW, thinking I have read it somewhere! feel better about it now and YW is looking better
thank you ?
subliminal messaging :) It works. I change it out each time I change out the apples....about 10 days sometimes 2 weeks. I love Granny Smith...they make the very best AYW in my opinion...again I think it is the acid level. Pink Ladies and Honey Crisp are also good. But GS are the very best and last the longest. Happy Baking....c
The crumb does look very tender! Thanks for the link to the recipe!
Never seen semolina and rye together. That really tempted me. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Thank you Danni.