Looking for French Boule recipe that uses fresh yeast


I found some of the best bread I've ever had at a bakery over the holidays.  The owner went to SFBI for their 8 week course, and opened a bakery.  He's turning out some awesome bread.  Of course he's secretive about what he uses for flour and other things.  I know SFBI's recipes tend to use Type 70 flour, so I have a bag of Type 70 malted and Type 85 malted coming from Central Milling.  

I used to be big into baking sourdough breads and at one point had about 4 different sourdough cultures going.  But it's been awhile and I don't have any going right now.  I'm looking for a good SFBI-style french boule recipe that uses my Type 70/85 flour, and fresh yeast.  I'm sure I could whack something together pretty quickly myself, but I'm sure some of you have taken SFBI's sourdough I or II classes.  I'm pretty sure this bakery I like uses fresh yeast in their boule because it says yeast on the ingredients, and they have a separate sourdough boule that says sourdough culture on the ingredients.

Any suggestions for a recipe?  What differences am I going to notice between the type 70 and type 85?

How about - 

Flour 100%

Water 72% 

Salt 2%

Fresh cake yeast 0.8% 

Autolyse 30 minutes flour with 62% water (hold 10% on reserve)

Mix in yeast and salt for 7 minutes

Add remaining 10% water mix on high for 3-6 minutes or until dough forms a ball.

Proof for 1st

One set of letter folds

Proof 30 minutes.

One set letter fold

Cold retard 6-24 hours until about 1.5 - 2 time risen.

Preshape and rest for 20 minutes


Proof max 40 minutes at around 72f ambient temp (not dough temp dough should still be rather cool) 

Score and Bake 480f +

Haven't used their t85 but imagine it would have more bran and perform like a whole wheat and white blend - the t70 has good flavor and very malty with quite a lot of bran (wish they would grind it in more)