Portioned dough on speed rack - cover or uncover?

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Home baker here making bagels on a larger-than-home scale. I'm experimenting with preportioning all of my bagel dough at the start of my bake and keeping it cold on parchment lined sheet pans on a speed rack in a 'walk-in'/very cold room. I typically portion a smaller amount at a time ahead of each round of baking. Should I cover each sheet pan with plastic wrap or will it be enough to keep whole speed rack covered using the plastic cover I bought to go over it?

I want to avoid dough drying out as well as using plastic I don't have to.

anyone have experience with this? 

Hey Almal, looking to make the jump to a small production scale bagel shop and was researching if one can cold ferment shaped bagels on speed rack trays with just a rack cover on them. As I was fine tuning my bagel recipes, I read in the Modernist Bread recipe book that they preferred to cold ferment the bagels uncovered, so that they developed a skin prior to the boil. I'm with you though, no interest in covering each of those trays in plastic every time. That's a hard no. Would love to swap bagel insights if you're willing!

Hi elzaco, my bagel shop plans are postponed for the time being, but I’m keeping my eye on this. Have you experimented with just a rack cover? I’d be happy to chat.