So I've been gone for a while. I haven't posted here in 2 years or so, but I have been baking periodically. Here are a few recent projects, some of which I'll elaborate on if there's any interest. I've been doing what I can living in a dorm, but I'm a bit limited in my baking capabilities.
Here's an attempt at making stencils for bread with a laser cutter from my University's library. This one is the name of my friend's residence hall. The bread itself is a miso-infused ciabatta
A pumpkin loaf from last month
A very nice loaf with 15% rye flour and some caraway seeds
Red bean buns
Mini croissants with laminated tangzhong dough
I hope to post here more often in the near future!
- TwoBreadedBoy's Blog
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Nice to see your post. I'm sure your friends enjoyed your Baking. Very cool with the stencil.
Your breads are fabulous! You must be amazing in a regular kitchen!
If I could just bake like that at college!