Greetings from Idaho


I live in a small town in Idaho where it's difficult to get good bread at the supermarket. I picked up a Zojirushi Virtuoso recently at a thrift store and plan on using it to make sandwich bread and mix/knead dough for artisan loaves. I like wheat bread that is soft but has a lot of texture bits like cracked wheat and seeds. I've made cakes and cookies from scratch but never really tried yeast bread before now. This is my second loaf, which I made using a recipe from a bread machine recipe book. I stuck pretty close to the recipe except that instead of cracked wheat I accidentally used 10 grain cereal. Still turned out great.


Looking forward to learning more about baking bread and getting more use out of my machine.


10 grain cereal is an awesome substitute for cracked wheat! That looks really yummy. The Zo is a great bread machine - I had a Zo Mini for a while and loved it (that was when I didn't have time in my life to make bread by hand).