Bagels from BBA

Profile picture for user cnlindon

Here are the bagels we had this morning...great with some cream cheese and strawberry preserves. From Peter Reinhart's BBA. I just substituted 1 cup fine grind ww flour in the recipe.





I love cream cheese and strawberry perserves on mine too. Great job.                  weavershouse
There's only one thing wrong with your bagels - I can't eat them through the screen!  Seriously, they look great.
I really like the BBA recipe -- they taste just like my favorite bagel from the little shop my friend used to own in North Carolina.

BTW, has anyone tried the bagel recipe in his whole grains book? I'm curious how those taste.

Thanks again...I haven't tried the bagels in the whole grains book, but I am thinking about dusting that book off and trying some other recipes from it. I tried a few a while back and have had some success with them. I love sprouted wheat in bread, so I am thinking about trying that one.



Yes, the bagels from Reinhart's whole grain bread book came out great. My husband, who sometimes makes fun of my frequent effort to be somewhat "health foody," liked them a lot too. I had made the bagels from the BBA prior to making the whole grain ones, and I think we liked the whole grain ones even more.  I made them a while ago, and when I get a chance, I will make them again.  If you make them, please let me know what you think.

Lu- I agree with you. I tried the same recipe over the weekend. I wasn't thrilled either. I had been living in the Bay Area, CA and probably never got exposed to the more chewy east coast bagels, but I was expecting something a bit fluffier... I got good crumb with irregular holes and some tunnels in some cases (probably too wet dough), but the wonderful aromas of the sugars released from fermentation were not there... I am wondering if I got too used to the aromas released by wild yeast rather than commercial yeast. So, I have a question. What is the primary fermentation, or flavoring stage, in this bagel formula? I am guessing it's the sponge sitting out for 2 hours??? And also, this is the first time I am baking something from Reinhart, which takes the dough straight out of the fridge into the baking (well, boiling then baking in this case) stage...
