ring molds for english muffins

Profile picture for user Biagio

The best the cheapest all around go to ring mold

0.90 Each  I use the 3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0
I use them for the following
Breakfast 3.5 or 4 size sandwich size  4.0 or 4.5 and small pizza size 5.0



Profile picture for user gary.turner

This is your first and only post and it is a sales pitch. It is reasonably on topic, but as a long time moderator for BBs and forums (not this forum), this strikes me as a typical drive-by spam.

Had you built some bona fides as a participating member, the post would be more appropriate; especially if it were in response to a thread asking about crumpet rings or cookie cutters.

I will pass this on to the forum owner for his information.
