Introductions and Ideas


Hello from Central Florida where I live about 7 months of the year. Then we pack up and head for Northeast Connecticut for the 5 months of the summer.  Of course, my starter lives in both locations as well.  This year in transit, I managed to destroy the starter I had been using.  Since it never created a rise like I read here, I'm thinking that I never managed to develop the yeast population.  Add to that, I found the filtered water from my refrigerator still contains a good amount of chlorine.  So it went into some bread that also called for yeast in the recipe.  I'm so glad that I found this site.  I've learned so much more than I ever knew on the topic. 


Lovely to have you here. It's a great site and I owe everything I know to all the good folks here. Florida is a great place to make a starter. Try making one in the winter in the UK. That's when I made my first starter. 

What kind of recorder do you play? 

Good advice.  I play Native American Style Flutes and Anasazi/Pueblo Rim Blown Flutes.  Thanks for the advice.