Which grains make the lightest bread?

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Which grains make the lightest bread? I am a fan of Hard Red Wheat. But I've heard that certain grains, such as spelt  and Hard White Wheat make lighter bread. I'd like to try my hand at lighter sourdough bread.

lightest combination I know.     ÖöÖö    Lol!

That's actually the answer to the riddle... "What do ghosts like to eat for breakfast?"  

Spelt has been the lightest I've baked.. meaning the softest crumb.. There is a Sarah Owen 'honey spelt oat" recipe in her book called 'sourdough' that I've baked and it was VERY nice.. If you search you'll find a post that I made on this bread and I think I added a picture of the recipe or described it.. if you can't find it, reply and I'll look it up for you.. I'm sure there are other grains that are also "light", but that's my experience..

bake happy.. bread1965..

Any grain flour that is well hydrated, not too high in gluten/protein content with well developed starchy gel (developed to windowpane) will be a tender and soft loaf. Search for 100% whole wheat Hokkaido. You may be surprised.

Ask instead-What makes a loaf soft?