So you know that you put all the ingredients together and then hit the start button? Right?
My question is wouldn't it have a problem with yeast since leaving it like that is no good? Most videos shows that first you combine the ingredients and then you wait the period of time. In the bread machine you just put the ingredients you set the timer and then it starts like after 30 min or whetever time to start combiling the ingredients.
That's why i first combiling using the pizza dough for a while and then setting the program but i was still wondering that question if you know to answer.
As long as you out the ingredients into the machine like the instructions describe then you'll have no problems. If the machine is designed this way then it's taken everything into account.
i see thank you so much man, you always helping me out.
Btw can i ask something stupid, is it possible to buy sourdough starter online?
You can make your own sourdough starter which is very rewarding. It takes time and patience but it's worth it I think.
You can buy some but make sure it's from a reputable company. You'll have to activate it but it'll come with instructions.
If you live in London or close by you can have some of mine.
Yes using a bread make is basically as described. However it doesn't hurt to look at what a bread maker is actually doing.
I found different brands and models may have slightly different instruction when and how to add ingredients. e.g. One I use has instructions to add ingredient as 1. add fluids (such as water and butter) 2. add dry ingredients (flour, grains, etc.) 3. make a pocket or shallow well in dry ingredients to add yeast.
I did this on my first run and didn't really pay attention to most of the other details from the owners manual.
My fist loaf was a whole wheat recipe turned out ok but it huge 4-6 inches rise over the pan fell some during the final cooking stages.
Wasn't great looking and the consistency wasn't as good as my second loaf which was also whole wheat with some cracked serials and wheat germ added. Also added more brown sugar to sweeten it up some.
The bread machine I'm using is a West Bend 41088.
Going over it's owners manual I found the actual sequences it goes through.
The instructions has me first adding fluids (such as water, butter, honey, etc.) Secondly the instructions show to dry ingredients such as flours, grains, serials, wheat germ, etc. Thirdly I'm to add yeast after making a pocket or well in the dry ingredients. (notes to separate any salt in the recipe from yeast)
I ended up placing salt and brown sugar with the fluid ingredients at the bottom of the pan.
To better understand what's going on here's a break down of the West Bend's machines cycles which should be similar to other bread machines.
* Dough making cycles - Mix, Rest, Knead, Rise(1) & Stir down(1)
( for when making only dough to shape, knead and rise some more for use in an oven)
Bread baking cycles - Mix, Rest, Knead, Rise(1), Stir Down(1), Rise(2), Stir Down(2), Rise(3), Bake
Mix = mix ingredients for about 6 mins. knead bars intermittently start and stop.
Rest = After initial mixing period the dough is allowed to rest about 10 mins before kneading begins.
Knead = Total Knead time varies depending on the bread selection range is between 23 and 30 mins.
Rise (1) = After dough is kneaded it's allowed to rise for a certain period of time
Stir-Down (1) = After dough has risen, it's stirred down by the knead bars to remove excess carbon dioxide gas created by the yeast.
(If using the dough setting its cycle is complete after the first stir down (1) cycle) ready for hand shaping, rising and baking in your own oven.)
Rise (2) = Dough is allowed to rise again, at a shorter time period.
Stir-Down (2) = After a shorter rise time the dough is stirred down again to remove excess gas and also the to shape the dough for it's final rise. Ensures bread has good texture.
Rise (3) = Dough goes into it's final rise to achieve its maximum height.
Bake = Bread is baked for a specific time depending on the crust color selection.
So you're simply entering ingredient into a bread pan, turning on the bread machine, adjusting the bread machines settings and pressing start.
However there are other things to consider such as when and where to add the yeast, the amount of water and consistency ratio of dry to fluid ingredients.
During the Knead cycles it's recommended to check the consistency of the dough during one of it's knead cycles. At the same time you can add nuts, seeds, fruits, etc. to the dough while it's kneading.
It's important to add items to the dough ONLY during one of it's knead cycles.
Problems that people sometimes come across when baking bread traditionally and with a bread machine. 1. Water temperature not right for the yeast (yeast requires a specific water and fluid temp. range to activate thoroughly)
2. Dough consistency. Too much or too little water (too dry or too moist dough) can cause problems with the dough rising, etc.)
If you deviate from a recipe you may want to look at the type of ingredients your adding or subtracting.
I find there's two schools of though with bread machines and just making bread.
One is it really doesn't matter the different ingredients amounts as long as their about what a recipe calls for. The other is people want to measure ingredients exactly and in a specific methods of adding ingredients, such as e.g. measuring dry ingredients such as flour you scoop into a measuring cup and slice off the top with a tool such as a knife. You never pack ingredients such as flour or allow it to settle when measuring.
I don't have the right type of measuring cups to measure precisely and use an kitchen teaspoon or tablespoon used for eating to get an estimate e.g. for a teaspoon of yeast, sugar, etc. as I don't have an actual teaspoon or tablespoon designed for measuring precisely.
I may sometime in the future get a good set of measuring cups that can measure more exactly and measuring type spoons. However at this time my bread has been turning out good without them.
Also I don't follow a recipe exactly so I can't see any reason why one would need exact measurements when making their own recipes. I find it's important to experiment with the ingredients when concocting or using someone else's recipe.