Hello from Ontario Canada


Well, I've been a member here for a while, but my baking has changed. I probably started out with gluten-free baking and I've moved to einkorn and now sourdough/sprouted etc baking.

There is so much good information here. Thank you all!


Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I look forward to seeing your posts. I am also in Ontario but in the far Northwestern part of it. 

I'm also looking forward to seeing some of your bakes, and learning from your experiences with einkorn and sprouting. 

Thanks for the welcome - oh the pressure!

I have just started sprouting wheat berries, but boy, the posts from dabrownman are encouraging me to branch out.

I'm very happy to see the increased availability of einkorn - Arva mills has einkorn flour now (from Daybreak Mills).

I'm currently hunting for organic white whole wheat grains - it's great that Bulk Barn carries white whole wheat - but it's not organic. I do love that they carry organic sprouted spelt flour and organic sprouted wheat flour.

I've made a few attempts of the ABin5 (Artisan Bread in 5 minutes) - but we don't eat enough bread, and with whole wheat one only has 5 days to use up the dough - gah! So I'm going to do more traditional sourdough - maybe with noknead, ala Peter Reinhart, but I'll see!