Impatient 'baker'


Hello from London :)


I've recently been nurturing a new sourdough starter, I first had one a couple of years ago and made some nice-tasting bread but apparently this time that's not enough and I want to make GOOD (and nice-tasting) bread.

I baked bread a lot with my Dad when I was a child and used to love it. Then since my mid-20s I've had health problems which aren't the end  of the world but made me give up baking. Pain in my hands and wrists (and shoulders and etc etc) meant that I didn't want to knead bread/mix stiff butter for cakes etc. (No, I don't have a mixer, I share a flat with others and there is no space in the kitchen). Then I found out about stretch and fold! Actually, today's aim is to practice slap & folds on the bread I have in progress, which also seems ok for my wrists.

Despite having too many hobbies already, I've been spending too much time reading your posts on here, spending too much money on ingredients, and making more bread than I can eat.

So impressed with your expertise and I'm looking forward to trying out some of peoples' recipes.




Hello from London too.

You have found a great site and looking forward to sharing our bakes, swapping ideas and helping with questions.

Sorry to hear of the issues you face with kneading. Perhaps some no knead breads would be a great idea. Look up Yohan Ferrant's "Do Nothing Bread".

- Abe

I hope that you find the same thing that I have: that working with the dough actually helps lessen the pain and swelling in the wrists and fingers!  The folks here have amazing amounts of knowledge and skill, and are more than generous in helping out, so always feel free to ask questions, and to share your own bakes and knowledge.

I tend towards using a kneading method similar to the ones used by Trevor J Wilson (demonstrated in his "How to get an open crumb from stiff dough" and other videos on his site:, and follow up with stretch-and-fold (still in the bowl).  I do try the slap-and-fold occasionally, but find it to be less enjoyable, really...

Looking forward to seeing your bakes!

Confession - I cringe at hand kneading and love my stand mixer - it's my best friend and we've got a special understanding - the mixer does all the work and I focus on timing and other things - there is nothing wrong with mixing using machinery so please don't think you new to knead in order to bake great bread !