Bread turns soggy after 3-4 days


Hello All,

I am trying to perfect a cracked wheat loaf using a combination of bulgur, whole wheat, bread flour & instant yeast.  I have tried baking to as high as 206 degrees & yet my loaf goes soggy in the middle after 3 or 4 days.  There is also a strong smell as it turns.  Has anyone experienced this & found a way to correct this?

be rope bacteria.  If the smell is over-ripe melons, and there are strings / ropes in the centre of the loaf as it goes soggy, then you might need to do a serious spring-cleaning in order to ensure that you don't continue with this issue.

Please do a search here of "rope" and you'll find a lot of information on it (especially a post from Mini Oven from back around 2008, I think - she had to deal with the issue then).

I hope that you find that I'm incorrect, but you might find some guidance in the threads discussing it as a possibility.

Good luck to you!

Edit to add:  here are a couple of earlier threads that might help you determine if this is the issue:

of commercial toast bread my husband purchased about 4 days ago.  It has a suspicious "wet spot" at the end of the loaf, right in the middle surrounded by some unusual colouring.  I knotted the bag, showed it to him and got rid of it fast, even though there were a few pieces that looked fine  for toasting at the front of the bag.  I didn't even want to look for the "strings" that form when pulling two slices apart to confirm my suspicions.   Didn't want the fungus/bacteria/spores getting loose in my kitchen.   I froze a second loaf and it's heading for the trash today.  

Sounds like rope to me.  Try adding vinegar to the loaf ingredients and keep the ingredients you are using presently inside zip lock bags until you find your culprit.   Be very careful about cross contamination washing measuring cups and spoons between use along with bowls, etc.