The Big Sourdough Multigrain Density Blowout!

Profile picture for user Dixongexpat

So I finally got to the bottom of my bag of multigrain leftovers from the local mill (Barton Springs near Austin, TX). Just to get rid of it all, I shifted the flour mixture to 350g whole wheat, 150g bread flour (not counting the levain which counts for about 75g of bread flour). In order to attempt to compensate for this shift, I added about 2/3 teaspoon of active yeast to the mix. The dough rose overnight in the fridge and was a bit cold when I started the folding. I didn't have enough time to do the full folding routine, so things were just at room temperature by the time I did the final rest.

The good news is that the bread rose higher than normal, however pretty much no crumb. Very sandwich-bread. Still tasty though!

Next week - 100% bread flour!

is the most important thing!

Nice to see that you're still making time for baking, and still turning out some lovely and delicious loaves.  I'd be a bit sad to see the end of that bag of grains from the local mill, but best to have it used and enjoyed before having to try and deal with it when traveling.

Hope all is well with you and yours, and that the lovely Mrs is excited about retiring --- and will have more time to join you in this crazy addiction called bread-making.

Keep baking happy!

finally figured out that Google is very particular about sharing images. Hope these are visible to everyone now...